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Honey🍯Missed Call (2)

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Missed Call (2)

Sighing, I roll over in my bed as I reach around for my glasses the moment I see my notifications. My vision becomes clear and I am sucked back into the black hole that I call my mundane reality, living a life of uncertainties and anxieties. Mindlessly pressing the buttons necessary to reach out to my boyfriend after missing his previous calls, I groan as I realize I am awake.

I drop my phone on my ear, remaining on my side as I let the phone lay on my face independently. Two rings. All it takes is two rings before I am met with a brief rush of oxytocin.


"I'm sorry, I just woke up." I immediately speak into the phone without greeting him. I don't deem it necessary. He knows my voice and I know his. "Is something wrong?"

He throws my question back at me, his tone dipped in caution. "Is something wrong?" The swollen skin of my morning face keeps my eyebrow lift at a minimum though I do stare into the darkness of my bedroom with piqued interest. "You good? I was just checkin' on you."

"I'm fine," I sigh, tired of the question he's asked but not wanting to make him feel bad for asking. It doesn't matter how many times I'm asked, my answer won't change for the better or for the worse. "Just tired," I confess. In most ways, it's the easiest way to explain the heavy weights strapped to my ankles as I struggle to get out of my bed.

I couldn't really explain my struggles to him if I wanted to. DeVante's a good man, an even better boyfriend, but our communication styles when it comes to negative emotions never line up. We've been working on it for the full year that we've been together but still I yell when he's quiet and I'm quiet when he yells... Leaving the both of us, staring at the other, without a clue as to why the other is reacting the way they've chosen to react. Fire and ice, oil and water.

It's never that he doesn't respect my emotions. He simply has a hard time understanding on some occasions. And though he always tries his best to get there, I don't have the energy to wait for him as he tries. Because if trying were all that it took, I wouldn't have given up on getting out of my bed after my fourth try.

"What time you go to bed?"

Shrugging as if he can see me, I guess my latest bed time. "I couldn't really sleep so maybe four or five? I don't know."

"Oh..." The line falls silent for a second. "It's five o'clock right now. You musta' slept good."

A weak, wry smile forces my lips apart. "I didn't but that's okay." The awkwardness in the air becomes too much for me. I don't have anything to say so I'd rather not speak. We'll be fine. I'm sure I'll text him before the night is over. "I have to go. We have a coding assignment for work and I should put a dent into my part. I'll talk to you later."

"That's cool. I love you—"

"Love you too. Bye."

The line falls dead as I toss my phone on a spare pillow in my bed. I shut my eyes again, sprawling back out as I reach for the remote hidden in my comforter. Naruto's antics as a 12-year-old tween become background noise as I curl back up into the ball most comfortable for me to fall asleep.

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