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He never spoke

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He never spoke.

You found it odd, honestly. He had the habit of letting out a grunt or two every blue moon. As children, you heard the rumor that he was a mute child, in a literal sense. Thus, meaning, he was neurologically atypical to the point of being hindered in a vocal sense. Yet, you were willing to bet your entire savings on the fact that you'd heard him utter his name at the least. Perhaps it was in a past life... A life where people didn't sit beside him picking at him in the sixth grade, always trying to get a single word out of him. He never budged though. He possibly was a mute, but clearly not a punk.

That's a part of why you couldn't deny one thing.

A crush was something that you'd always had on him. He didn't have to say anything. It was all in the way he moved. You found it the least bit shocking that you both wound up at Temple University. It was clear that no one around you planned on leaving Philly. The majority of the students in your graduating class that you associated with were mostly attending Temple. It hindered your confidence to ever approach DeVante. The last time you two were in direct contact was probably twelve years ago in grade school, the days when you spent Valentine's Day in Mrs. Carson's homeroom class. He passed you a giant red heart with a smile and you returned the favor by passing him a snickers that was taped to your own pink heart. That was it.

Twelve weak ass years ago.

He'd grown a lot since then. His height sprouting, the soft pink tint of his lips flourishing. He'd gone on to puncture his skin in a few places against God's wishes. Haircuts make a big different in appearance and he proved that theory in a number of ways. You could spot him from a mile away with partial credit to way the barber lined him up every Tuesday and Friday. He walked around campus often. Sometimes, he'd wander like a lost soul when it'd rain really, really hard. If you were walking in passing, you could see the green tint in his hazel eyes glistening beneath the flamingo pink and peacock purple sky at dusk.

You lied on your bed, practically lifeless, as you enjoyed the soft singing of your roommate accompanying your stare out of the window. DeVante wasn't the only beautiful thing near. Gabriella had the voice of angel. She was from the opposite end of the country but, with your help, she adapted to the opposing coast with ease. It was relaxing to sit down and listen to her pluck her guitar with a melody in mind or riff around on her piano as she hummed along. You'd be a liar to deny having how much it soothed you.

Sighing, you rolled over in your bed. Her vocals fueled the soundtrack of your life as you stared out your window. He sat in the grass by himself. Regardless of how attractive he may have been, it had always been clear that he was a shy one. You lying on the opposite end of that spectrum always came with the fear that your approach would scare him off. So, you'd been rolling over from side to side, watching him for the last two hours, as you waited to see if he'd move.

"Got any plans tomorrow," Gabriella eventually asked.

You turned back to her with dead eyes. "No. James was supposed to be having that party but you know he's rooming with Richard and he got some exam he 'posed to be studying for." Gabriella nodded. "Why?" You pulled your gaze from the beautiful creature, then facing your roommate.

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