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The tropical plants imitate the authenticity of an African jungle as the vines wrap themselves around the protective wiring of the cage

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The tropical plants imitate the authenticity of an African jungle as the vines wrap themselves around the protective wiring of the cage. A twenty-one year old young man sits perched on the precautionary plain that allows the zookeepers to observe the animals of their choice. Much like his age, twenty-one minutes ago was when the cat was last fed. Her body hangs off of the edges of the tree limbs as she sits comfortably. The young man, in a state of blatant infatuation, purposely makes very slow and subtle movements with the understanding that she is watching his every move with only her eyes.

"The wild jaguar stares down its keeper as the keeper remains over yanda'..." The faux accent of an Australian announcer resembles the many narrators he has heard on animal planet, giving him flawless authenticity due to his attention to detail... or at least, that is what he would believe. "The cryst-al blues eyes of Isis watch his ever move... she's on to him." Laughing to himself, he rises from his seat, picks up his walkman on the way, and skips down the exiting hallway as he plans his route through the empty zoo.

He walks through the cat exhibits as he eyes all of the felines. He's known to get along as perfectly as possible with the cats, animals of all sorts but, the cats at the San Diego Zoo have a strong love for him. The panthers are his favorites. A tattoo sprawling across his bicep down to his forearm rests beneath layers of skin to permanently prove the bond between the two. The connection he shares with animals happens to be something of the supernatural world, perhaps it is far beyond the comprehension of any organism walking along God's tainted green Earth. Their spiritual connection is a blessing, just as is the connection between him and every single animal he has crossed paths with throughout his life long journey of everyday.

His device of communication attached to his hip exerts a loud, muffled series of words from someone who is no more than two miles away.

"D, are you in the cages?"

Groaning, he reaches to minimize the volume of the walkie-talkie that all zookeepers are required to carry at all times. He turns around and checks his surroundings. Not a body is in sight.

"I know you hear me." The voice ceases as the static takes over. Everyone is aware of the malfunctions of the San Diego Zoo walkie-talkie system. A headset and microphone feature is being discussed among those who are in charge. "Stay away from the damn jaguars, DeVante."

Rolling his eyes, he unhooks his walkie-talkie and quickly brings it to his lips. His middle finger presses down on the button that allows his voice to transfer to the other end. "Too late," he replies in a slightly agitated tone.

"I'm sending Xenida."

DeVante presses down on the button again. "Let Z be. I know what I'm doin', Jeff." His hand drops, allowing him to pause as he awaits Jeff's reply. Mentally, he is praying that his wishes are being respected. Right now, he is still recovering from the most recent and all he wants is peace and quiet while he spends quality time with the main animals affected. They are the victims and he only wants to remind them that they are loved. A sidekick is something he does not need. Xenida is someone that he does not need.

VANTÉ. (D. SWING)Where stories live. Discover now