Chapter 1: Going back?

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_*{Max's POV}*_

I was siting in front of the mirror thinking of upcoming summer. Looking down at my arms, I see bruises and scars nothing to out of the ordinary. I hear the door open from down stairs then shut.

"Max get down here!" The masculine voice said.

I hurried down stairs to see what my whore of a father wanted. "Yes?" I said without a slightest hint of annoyance.

"Go and unload the car." He told me, to which I went to unload the car.

"Took you long enough."

"Sorry," I said "maybe if you'd help it would go faster" I mumbled under my breath.

"What was that.." he sounded mad


My dad stood up and walked over to me. His feet hit the ground making it vibrate. I was shaking, he got closer and hit me.

He pushed me on the ground, kicked me till I started to get a nose bleed. "Go clean up," my dad said "we have company coming over, someone you know."

Someone I know? Whatever not like I care, I rolled my eyes after I walked to the bathroom. I washed my face from the blood, it feels like it's broken but nothing to do about it...

_*{David's POV}*_

Well hooey I forgot my tie, I grab the tie and put it on. This will be fun, I'll get to see my favorite camper. Only if he though the same, a frown forms on my face. Nothing to be sad about, I will get to see him again.

-Time Skip-

I knocked at the door of my destination, I wait a few seconds. Then the door opens a man with a smile looks at me.

"Hello, you must be David?"

"Yes, I am"

He offers me to come inside, "Oh how rude of me, My name is Jimmy. Nice to meet you." He said.

"Nice to meet you too" I said.

We walked to the kitchen where there was a bunch on food on the table, looks good. A small boy came out from the corner, it was Max. "Hello Max." I said in a friendly tone.

"Hi, David." It sounded painful for him to say.

I give him a smile, "Come have a seat."  The woman said, which I believe was Max's mom. We all took a seat, there was wine, chicken roast, broccoli casserole and a few more items that I couldn't tell what they were.

"Let's have a prayer, dear lord I appreciate all of this food you have provided us with. Our lovely son, and our guest David, thank you for this chance to live without bad things. Amen" Jimmy said.

"Amen." We all repeated after.

"Now, let's dig in." the woman said.

-Time Skip-

We all ate, although Max didn't eat much of it when I looked up at him."It was delicious." I said with a cheerful tone.

"I'm glad you liked it," the woman said, "I made it from scratch." Something sounded a bit off but nothing is wrong with store bought food.

_*{Max's POV}*_

That lying son of a... deep breaths. Of course she didn't make the food nor my dad. Unlike them I am actually good at cooking if I do say so myself. Not everyone can be as talented as me.

My body aches, I bet the bruises formed already. Parents they can be so, what's the word, annoying and incompetent sometimes. Especially mine, the only thing they do is work and do child abuse.

I could tell David, but there is no way I could tell, without him being frantic. Oh well I'll just have to be stuck here with them.. or I could run away, since summer is coming soon and I could be at camp. I can't believe I want to go to camp, I do miss Neil and Nikki though. Soon it will come.

My parents left the table, which left me and David alone. "Hey Max," that camp idiot said, "how have you been?" I shrugged "Fine." I sorta whispered so my parents couldn't hear my voice.

"Are you ready for camp next summer? Neil and Nikki are coming to camp next time it's open" I was glad and it showed, but I came down to my normal state.

"Not really." I said in the same whisper voice.

"I see," David sounded upset but why should I give a shit, because again I'm just a boy who doesn't care about anything or anyone. "It's getting pretty late." He told me softly. "I'll see you later Max" he said bye to my parents and offered to help clean but they said no.

"Max come clean up." My mother said, she was a little bit nicer than my father. She was a person who pushed people down mentally, unlike my dad who physically puts people down. I go get all the cleaning supplies that I needed, and cleaned.

_*Time Skip*_

It was a while since I've seen David or really anyone. My parents are the same since a month ago, awful.

_*Time Skip (again)*_

It's finally my summer break, hopefully I can get my parents to get me back to camp, I can't help but feel free when I'm there.. I don't know what I'm thinking! Why would I ever like that place?

"Max come here!" My "father" said, and since I don't want to get beaten to a pulp I go to where my dad is. "Yes?" I say.

"Me and your mother have decided..."

He looked at my "mother"

"We are not going to send you to that nasty camp" she said.

Oh..well, might as well not get devised about a stupid camp.

I nod "Okay"

They walk away, I just stood there. Sadly.
Ahem, anyways I have things to do.

Hello everyone thanks for reading I'll try to get more episodes out soon but right now I don't have a lot of time since school. And I really just was in the mood to write this, although it's kinda late, it's fineeee. Mk have a good day/ night!

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