Chapter 14

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Waking up in Nicholas' arms is the happiest and most well rested I have felt in a long time. The smile on his face when he realized I was still there was the most beautiful thing I have seen in all my years. That smile warms my heart and makes Nicholas even more handsome, if that is humanly possible. The morning got even better when I walked down the stairs to find Nicholas standing in the kitchen cooking breakfast, only in a pair of grey sweats. I didn't think he could get any sexier, but boy was I wrong. Every time he moved the muscles in his back flexed and I couldn't seem to move my eyes from him. The view only got better when he turned around and I caught a glimpse of his very toned chest and abdomen. It should be against the law for a man to look as handsome and to be as caring as this one is.

"Kayla, please quit daydreaming about your sexy therapist and listen to what I am saying." Kate says bringing me out of my trance.

"Sorry Kate! What were you saying?"

"I asked did you want to meet up after work tonight to finish up with the paperwork for your divorce?"

"That should work. Nicholas and I were supposed to go to dinner tonight, but I will call and ask if we can reschedule."

"No Kayla, you don't have to do that. It will only take a few moments to sign the papers. You both can just come by on your way to the restaurant."

"That sounds perfect. I'll just call and let him know of the slight change of plans."

"You do that. I'll be heading back to my office now."

It's been two weeks since I woke up in Nicholas' arms and I can't stop thinking about all the feeling he is causing me to have. I honestly believe I am falling for this man. I have never had anyone make me feel these emotions this intensely or this quickly. I pick up my phone and dial Nicholas' number hoping he will answer. I know that he is a busy man, but I really want to hear his voice right now.

"Hello." He answers.

"Hi. Are you busy?"

"Not at the moment. Did you need something baby?"

"Not really. I was just calling to tell you that on our way to dinner we need to stop my Kate's house to sign my divorce papers."

"That's fine. Is that the only reason you called? You could have just text me that."

"I can't believe I am about to admit this to you, but I miss you and just wanted to hear your voice."

"I miss you too baby. More than you know."

"I know it has only been three days since I have seen you, but I feel like it's been forever."

"I fell the same way." He states. "Just a few more hours and we'll be together."

"Those hours can't pass fast enough. I really could use one of your hugs right now."

"You're killing me Mikayla." He growls. "I'll be there waiting for you when you get off from work."

"Alright. I guess I will let you go, and I'll see you when you get here."

"Bye baby." I hear him say before hanging up.

This day can't come to an end fast enough. I still can't believe that I have caught feeling for this man as fast as I have. This has never happened to me before. He came into my life like a hurricane and turned ever thing I thought I knew about love upside down. I never thought I would find someone like him and here he is proving to me just how wrong I was. Kate is going to freak out when I finally admit how I feel about Nicholas to her. That conversation should be a lot of fun.

I sit at my desk for several hours trying to get some paperwork done, but I can't focus because I keep thinking about Nicholas. Kate came in around thirty minutes ago and said she was headed out to show a house and Krystin is out to a late lunch with her boyfriend, which leaves me at the office all alone. I feel as if I have lost every sane piece of me. No matter what I do, all I can think about his strong arms around me, that manly scent of his, or that sexy smirk he gives me. God, I feel like I'm going to lose my mind over this man. Moments later, I am pulled from my thoughts when I hear a knock at my door.

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