Chapter 3

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I sit there with tears streaming down my face, in utter shock that he would so casually say those words. This can't be happening to me again. How does he even know about what happened with my parents? Surely Brady wouldn't scoop this low and take it upon himself to tell Dr. Phillips this. He wouldn't have, would he?


"Excuse me?" Dr. Phillips says.

"Brady told you about this, didn't he?"

"Yes. He and the physician that cared for you at the hospital, thought it would be best is I knew about it." He answers truthfully. "Will you tell me what happened?"

This guy doesn't give up. I dry my tears as anger takes over my mind and body. Sitting up in my seat, I look straight in his eyes before speaking.

"I've already told you twice, I will not speak about this with you or anyone else for that matter. It would do you good not to ask again." I say raising my voice.

"It's obvious that just the mention of the incident causes you immense pain. I believe if you spoke about it, you'd feel better. We can work through this together." He replies.

"I think we're done here. Scratch that, I know we are done here!"

I storm out of his office, slamming the door as I exit. I can't believe Brady told him about this. He went too far this time. When I'm safely in my car I dial Brady's number wanting to speak to him immediately. The phone rings four times before his assistant finally answers.

"Mr. Hart's office, Morgan speaking. How may I help you?"

"Morgan, it's Mrs. Hart. I need to speak to Brady please."

"Mrs. Hart, he's in a meeting with Mr. Emerson right now. May I take a message?"

"I don't care who he is in a meeting with, Morgan. He is the owner of the company, so I think he can take a break long enough to speak to his wife. Put me through to my husband now!" I say getting slightly irritated.

"Yes ma'am. Hold just a moment please."

I'm on hold around ten minutes before I finally hear Brady answer his phone. Could he be any slower? I swear I'm not in the mood for this today.

"Mikayla, did you have to be so rude to Morgan? She came in my office in tears after talking to you. I think you owe her an apology." He has some nerve.

"Brady, after all you've done, you have no right telling anyone they owe someone an apology." I state. "You need to come home, we have some issues that need resolving."

"You know I can't come home right now. I'm in the middle of a meeting with James."

"Brady, I'm trying very hard not to lose my cool with you. Now I'm sure James will understand if you tell him what's going on. Just get home now."

"Mikayla, I said I can't, and I meant it. I'm not leaving!"

"I'm telling you right now Brady, you better be home within the hour or we are going to have bigger problems to deal with than what we have now. There are things that need to be discussed and it can't wait. After all you've said and done to me, I think you owe me this much."

"Fine! I'll be there as soon as I can."

That is all I hear before he hangs up. I know he's mad, but so am I. the rest of the way home all I can think about is how Brady could have shared something so personal with Dr. Phillips, especially when it isn't his story to share in the first place.

After arriving home, I go straight to the kitchen for a drink. I grab the bottle of scotch and a glass from the bar, then have a seat at the island to wait for Brady to get home. A little over an hour later I finally hear the door open and close alerting me of his presence. I thought I would have cooled off by now but having to wait this long has just made me furious.

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