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*read my Author note at the bottom.*

Walking into a make shift interrogation room, El Sin Nombre or Valeria was soon shoved to sit on a folding chair that was placed in the center. "Have a seat." Graves spoke to the woman. Valeria rolled her eyes before taking her seat and eyeing Alejandro with hatred. "Alright, how do you two know each other?" Graves spoke while looking at Alejandro from across the room. "Know is a strong word." Alejandro spoke while facing away from Valeria.

"Las palabras fuertes son importantes. Nuestras palabras valen la pena, verdad?" Valeria spoke out to the room. "Vete a la mierda, hijo de puta. Te voy a matar." Alejandro shouts with laced in his tone.

"Come down, the both of you." C/n said while holding her hand out to Alejandro. "Yah, yah!" Alejandro said out from frustration before actually settling down. "Go on, tell them." Alejandro said once standing at the back of the room. "I don't take orders anymore." The woman said in a teasing way. "Even a dog in Las Almas knows not to bark at me, isn't that right c/n? Or have you forgotten." Valeria said while now shifting her gaze over to the girl who stood close. Y/n just keeped her irritated eyes glued onto the woman in the chair rather then saying a word.

"She's ex-military. We served together." Alejandro claimed. "Different squad, same unit. You're the wild ones huh... Los Vaqueros." Valeria said while seeing Alejandro now smile at the name of his men's.

"My squad was clean cut señores y señoras." She added before Alejandro cuts her off. " Until the raid on the son of Las Araña. Do you remember?" Alejandro mentioned a new name.

"Lo recuerdo perfectamente." Valeria said with a small smirk. "Her team was told to cordon off the city to keep out La Araña's enforcement and prevent the bloodshed." Alejandro shared. "That's exactly what we did." Valeria said leaning back in her seat. "We'll, you kept out his enforcement because you were HIS enforcement, huh?" Alejandro teased the woman. "He was escorted to the mountains without incident, also to prevent bloodshed." The woman said eyeing everyone.

"He was supposed to go to prison." Rodolfo spoke up. Graves and the vaqueros looked confused. "So you killed him and you took over." He said while resting his hands on Valeria's shoulder.  "I created power vacuum... and I filled it, Las Almas needs me." The woman said ignoring the hand.

"Las Almas needs soldiers, not scicarios." C/n added but nothing was said, not until Graves spoke. "Why're you doing this?" He asked. "You tell me, you're the contractor no?" Valeria mocked Graves. "What you don't do your competitors will." She continued before her attention was taken over by Ghost. "You're the narco, harboring a terrorist." He said as y/n nods at his statement.

"Terrorism is good for business, It's insurance." Valeria said while leaning forward in her chair. "What the fuck dose that mean?" Alejandro took the stand. Just then Valeria snapped and started to go off. "Puedes sacarte la puta cabeza del culo por un segundo? Por el amor de Dios, Alejandro." She said out with anger before settling herself.

She then changed to a claim state and took a breather. "As long as there is war on terror, there will be no real war in drugs. To find your so call terrorist and your missiles, you need me. To prevent bloodshed." She finishes.

"No. I'm not doing this..." Alejandro said before reaching for his gun. "Doesn't change anything." Soap spoke out. "It changes everything!... Fuck!" Alejandro shouts in the room. "Don't make a deal with her... it won't end well." He threatened before reaching for the exit. "Alejandro wait-" c/n said trying to be reasonable with him but Alejandro anger took over at the second and he shoved her away from him. Her back hit the wall before adverting her eyes away and stood there like nothing happened.

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