Chapter 2

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" George! " Fundy called out " hm? " George turned to them while the kid is on him arms " you said you were going out not here? " Fundy walked to George with the others " why-.. why are they here.. ? " George whispered " eh.. they wanted to come so- yeah.. " Fundy said while Scratching  the back for his neck " oh my god.. ok, then- yes? " George got cut off by the kid tapping on his shoulder " can i play.. ? " the kid whispered " sure- sorry.. " George puts the kid down and patted her head " its ok.. i liked it, thank you for ice cream though.. " the kid kissed him on the cheek " aww.. " George heard from them " wanna go now? " he stands up " sure! " Skeppy walked to the car so he can bring it to the park " so you always come here? " Dream asked while looking around " well- yes, in my free time " George smiled " cool.. s**t " Dream whispered " why, what happened? " Wilbur asked " why- is he so cute.. " Dream looked away to hide his blushed face " oo~ well~ " Wilbur looked at Dream " what-what 'well' " Dream looked at Wilbur to see his with a smirk " you like him it's obvious~ " Wilbur looked at George seeing him play with the kids " wha-what no?! i dont.. plus i cant date a boy.. my parents will say no obviously " Dream looked at George smiling at the kids " so you do like him? " Wilbur looked at him " i-.. just shut up- " Dream hit his friend that was beside him softly on the shoulder

 " Guys! come on inside! " Skeppy went out to call them " oh, coming! " George went to say bye to the kids for some mins. once they are all in the car they made sure that the Dreamteam are comfortable on where they seat. George was driving and Dream was at the front. Quackity, Wilbur, Tubbo, and Ranboo are seating behind them. Skeppy, Bad, Karl, and Sapnap are sitting behind the four of them ( Quackity, Wilbur, Tubbo, and Ranboo ). Tommy, Niki, Fundy and Jack are behind the other four ( Skeppy, Bad, Karl, and Sapnap ). " god dammit, why does it have to be so tight- " Jack moved a bit to have space " its Fundy, he fat- " Tommy laughed " No- no, i dont- i'm thin.. " Fundy said quietly " can you two stop whining " Niki whispered and Tommy stopped laughed " They are sleeping.. so, be quiet " Niki close's her eyes and lays her head on Fundy " ugh.. " Jack sat back down.


once they got to the asmument park George was very excited. When George found a parking spot he parked and looked to the side seeing Dream sleeping peacefully, then he looked back to see some of them are sleeping and some of them are using their phone " oi- were here " George removes his seat belt and some of them stretched then woke the people beside them. George looks at Dream and shakes him softly " hello~ wake up~ were here! " George smiles " hm.. ? " Dream Scratching his head " were here so get up~ " George opened his door to wake up the others, Dream went out to to stretch since he is tall " gah.. its nice here " He said as he noticed on where he is " George.. ? " Dream asked " yeah? " George came from behind " where are we? " Dream looked at George "  we are at ****** park.. " George points at the sign " oh- thank you " Dream looked away with embarrassment. George opened the door to see Quackity, Wilbur, Tubbo, and Ranboo sleeping " guys wake up~ were here! " George shakes them slowly " huh.. ? " Ranboo wakes up " we are here.. wake up the others, thanks " George went out to wake up Tommy, Niki, Fundy and Jack. He opened the door and saw them not sleeping except for Niki " why- if you three were awake can you guys wake her up we are here " George rolled his eyes " haha sorry.. " Fundy wake up Niki softly. 

Once everyone was up Tommy paid for the tickets and his bank was crying. " wow~ look how big! " George ran out to see big rides " its big alright " Dream looked around " my wallet.. " Tommy looked down " dude its ok, at least we have fun " Tubbo patted Tommy's back and walks away to George and the others  " that doesn't help! " Tommy ran to them " haha " Fundy and Niki was behind " oo~ lets eat something I'm hungry " Niki pulled Fundy to a small café " wow- " Fundy said as he got pulled 

" oh! lets ride that one! " Karl pointed at a tall one " yeah no- " George backed up " same.. " Dream walked back " you two are sacredly cats come on guys lets go " ( sorry i forgot to spell it ) Karl pulled Sapnap by accident he thought it was Quackity " h-huh- " Sapnap looked to see Karl pouting and pulling him " Quackity, you will sit beside me- " Karl got cut of by seeing Sapnap " I-I.. I'm so sorry I thought you were Quackity " Karl bowed his head a bit " no-.. its ok " Sapnap smiled " hehe.. " Karls cheeks turned bit red and Sapnap saw " so you like my smile? " Sapnap smirked " n-no.. i dont " Karl looks away " your face says it all~ " Sapnap teased him " oh my god.. just shut up! " Karl hits Sapnaps arm softly " haha " Sapnap let out ( hehe karlnap ;) ).

Once everyone had so much they were so hungry they went to the nearest pizza restaurant " gah.. i'm so hungry  " Jack let out " i'm not too hungry " George looks at Jack " oh, is that good news? " Jack smirked " just shut up " George kicked Jacks foot " ow- " Jack said loudly so he got embarrassed " god dammit, George.. " Jack hides his face " haha " George lays his face on Dreams shoulder to laugh " f**k you " Jack said and did the middle finger " oi- Language and dont do that we are out side- "  Bad rolled his eyes and looks at Skeppy that was in front of him smiling to the others jokes while waiting for the food. 

Everyone got to eat and ride roller-coasters again. Everyone was going home since it was closing  and its already 9:00pm. " where do I drop you guys? " George asked as he got in the car " here " Dream gave the location to his house " what's your number I can make a gc " Dream asked " oh its ********* " George gave his number to dream and dream made it a new contact " done now you can drop us, oh wait I need you friends number too- " Dream got cut of by George saying " nah its ok, i will just add them " George starts the car " ah ok " Dream places his phone on the phone holder and it teaches the way to put the location of the house ( aka a GPS ) 


" Dream~ " George shakes Dream softly " h-huh.. ? " Dream woke up and looked at the time and sees '11:31' " sorry for waking you up but your home.. " George yawned " no.. its ok " Dream looks at George rubbing his eyes " I will wake the others.. " George was about to go but he felt a grip on his hand " huh? " George wondered and so he turned around. and he saw Dream holding his hand " D-Dream? " George asked " come.. " Dream pulled him a bit and George went back inside " yes? " George sits in front of Dream " Dream- " George was interrupted by..

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Helloooo sorry cliffhanger :) well i will make one tomorrow and remember i wont make a episode in Saturday or Sunday. Thank you for Reading!! Lova ya see you tomorrow <333


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