Chapter 15

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~..6 years later..~ 

" you ready~? " Karl asked while patting the shoulder of George " m-maybe.. " George said nervously " George, this is your wedding you should be happy! " Niki came from the bathroom " I am.. but how do I know I'm doing the right thing? " George looks at him self at the mirror " well.. you just do you! If you make a 'mistake' everyone will understand since they've been there too.. " Karl hugs George from behind " so~ lets do this? " Karl looks at George " Lets do this! " George stands up with confidence. 

" George? " Sapnap came in the dressing room " ready to see your groom~ " Sapnap smirked walks in " why did clay make you our main man.. " George mumbled " yeah " George answered " here, put this on " Sapnap gave a handkerchief to Karl " ok " George looks at the light green handkerchief " ok, see you! " Sapnap left to get Dream " ok, lets put this on " Karl folded the handkerchief and puts it around George's eyes so he cant see " hello, Fuckers! George, come on they said lets go! " Tommy came in " ok, ok, I cant see- " George almost tripped but Karl helped him. 

" ok, stay here.. " Karl whispered " mhm " George stays where he is. " here, dont move " Sapnap puts Dream in front of George " damn, I'm scared.. " Dream said softly. " Karl, take a video " Sapnap stands beside him and Karl takes his phone out and starts a video " go! " Sapnap shouted. George and Dream removes the handkerchief " you look.. Beautiful " Dream takes George's hand and became teary eyed " god damit.. you don't need to cry " George places one hand on Dream cheek " I'm just happy that I get to have this with the love of my life.. " Dream sheds a tear and George wipes it with his thumb " your gonna make me cry- " George got cut of by Dream pulling him to a kiss and all of their friends are saying " wo!/yay!!/congrats! " while clapping. the church..~ 

there was so many reporters at the church he was so nervous he thought he would faint at the spot. " you ok? " Bad asked " y-yeah, just nervous " Dream looks at the door and George isn't there yet " he is not coming.. " he fidgets his fingers " he will, just wait he is might be nervous since there is a lot of people " Bad comforted Dream " yeah, yeah, your right " Dream stands up confidently. 

" ok, after me and Sapnap you go, ok? " Karl told George " yeah, just nervous " George jumps a bit " its ok, me too " Karl giggled until they heard tommy's named called and he went down the aisle with a smile. everyone went down and Karl was waiting with Sapnap for their names to be called " Karl and Sapnap! " Jack called their name " ok, bye! love you George and good luck " Karl didn't even look back he just walked down the aisle and  George was there alone and nervous " and last but not the least, George.. " Jack called out and the doors open wide to see George walking slowly with his dad ( George was wearing a black and white suit, and a veil covering his face). Everyone stands up and Karl was happy for his Friend to get married to the love of his life. 

" thank you.. " the Father of George shakes the hand of Dream " no problem, sir " Dream whispered and George stands beside Dream. " so we're gathered here today, to celebrate one of life's moments.. the joining of both of your hearts, today in front of your friends and family.. and your getting married! so you ready to do this? " Jack asked and both of them nodded because of the tears in their eyes  " now you have some special words that you wanted to share to each other, here " Jack gave the mic to Dream

 " love, we did it, we came out to our family and Friends.. we are here today because our overwhelming love , the moment I laid eyes on you I knew there was something special about you and I am one lucky man to be standing here by your side.. I remember when we first met, at your bakery we were laughing went to an amusement park.. I know your a backer and I am a celebrity my life is to much for you but it didn't stop us to love each other.. you are a wonderful human being, an amazing friend, a great partner, and to me you and the love of my life.. and also I wanted to thank you for picking my outfit for today.. I'm so exited to be your husband, I look forward to starting a new chapter to our lives, to my best friend, and now my husband.. I love you "  Dream gave the mic back to George and everyone clapped.

" I have never thought that I get to marry my favorite celebrity and that became the love of my life.. when my Ex was at the house and you defended me with your love I knew immediately- oh my god-" he cut becouse of the emotions and Dream patted George with a smile " you were the one and after 6 years of ups and downs were here we're standing next to each other going to be husband and husband.. you are always so encouraging, I love that way you support me.. and not gonna lie I want to hit you every time you tease me or embarrass me in front of everyone but I remember what you are to me every time I want to.. you bring joy not to only me, your friends, your, fans and everyone else in this church, I truly believe were sent to this world to be together, and today I am so honored to become your husband.. love you " George sheds a tear but didn't even bother to wipe it. 

" whoa, it was nice to hear those words, I was about to cry-.. ok, I have an important question for you " Jack looks at Dream and Dream nodded " do you take him today to be you husband? " Jack asked " I.. " 

1108 words

Damn another Clift hanger :,) sorry for not posting yesterday I was busy!! sorry if short again :,( ok bye love see you on Monday!! <333333


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