Chapter 9

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" GEORGE?!? " the guy shouted then got embarrassed " *******?!?!?! " George shouted and it was Asher ( so.. they were bestfriends till middle school, they share everything the word secret doesn't exist in their world ok? that's what BBF do, sorry back to story ) " Ash?! I didn't know you were working here!! " George stands up and hug's Asher " sorry.. there's a lot going on right now.. " Asher hugged back " yeah, I can tell you didn't text me yesterday " George breaks the hug and pat's Asher's shoulder " uh.. " Wilbur pulled the jacket of George two times " oh! sorry, this is Wilbur, Dream, Sap, Bad, and Ranboo " George pointed and Asher was shocked so he pulled George to a corner " hey- " George was trying to stop Asher but he couldn't.

 " where do you think they are going? " Bad asked " maybe, he never met celebs? in real life, I mean " Sapnap looks at Bad " yeah.. ok " Bad looks at the menu " so, may I take your order? " A pretty girl asked " yes, please " Niki looks at her and smiles " where's George? " Wilbur asked Dream " I don't know, he is your boyfriend right?  your problem " Dream rolled his eyes " the hell- Dream, what's got into you? "  Wilbur turned to Dream and Dream sighs " its.. nothing " Dream looks away " no, its not.. tell me " Wilbur puts hand on the table " ok.. fine, I know that you and George are close.. so, I didn't say any thing cuz I didn't want to ruin it so I hide my feelings " Dream looks back " oh~.. now I get it, you like him " Wilbur smirked " n-no.. " Dream sits up properly and blushed a bit " your face say's so " Wilbur coughed " oh, shut up! " Dream punched Wilbur on the side " ow.. " Wilbur hits back " I- " Dream got cut of by someone saying " can you two stop fighting.. " the two of them looked up to see George crossing his arms and tapping his foot on the floor " Why don't you sit here instead " Wilbur stands up and patted his seat " uh.. ok? " George takes his seat " oi! what do you Fuckers want " Tommy pointed at Wilbur and DNF " language " bad said quietly " I want this? " George pointed at the pancakes. 

~..1:00pm after eating..~ 

" why can't you come with us? " George groaned " I have work.. I will text you though " Asher hugged " you two done? " Tommy asked " can you wait? " George asked back " I- " Tommy got offended " damn- " Dream giggled with the others " ok, text me ok? " George breaks the hug " I will.. ok, love you bye! " Asher smiled " ok! bye, love you too " George leaves with the others 

" so.. what do we do know? " George asked as they got inside the car " go home and watch a movie " Ranboo suggested " hm.. but its going to be Christmas in 4 days? yeah 4 days " ( sorry but I forgot how many so I put day 4 lol ) " then what? " Dream asked as he starts the car " never mind.. " George puts his seat belt on quietly " told ya " Dream giggled and George smiled to see that him and Dream are in good terms " ok, lets go home and do something? " Dream Drive's " yup! " Everyone answered " ok " 


" are we there yet.. " George sighs " well like 15 to 10 mins " Dream looks at George then back to the rode " hm.. " George sits up and turns on the music " hm.. can I connect? " George looks at Dream and pulls his phone out " yeah, sure " Dream stops cuz of a stop light and connects George's phone " thank you " George smiled " welcome " Dream smiled back and went back to driving. George plays Dreamteam playlist that he made and his fingers are patting his thighs on the beat. 


When they got home everyone was shouting to the lyrics on 'your new boyfriend' -wilbur soot and everyone was having so much fun. " ...Woo!! " Everyone shouted and laughed " hahahahaha " George laughed " ok, ok, guys lets go " Dream turns off the music and hears " AWW!/oh, fuck you/ language and whyyy " They 'made' a tantrum " we are home? " Dream rolls his eyes " your such a party pooper " George hits Dream's arm softly with a giggle " lets go, come on " Dream gets out of the car. 

they got inside the house and watch movies though George got bored * why don't I make cookies? eh, its good enough.. plus that's what I do when I am bored * George thought to himself and stood up then walked to the kitchen. 

After a few mins Dream was looking for George because he was missing the best part so he went to look for him " George? " Dream called out " over here! " George shouted from the kitchen " oh- " Dream walked to the kitchen and saw George making cookies " oh~ can I have one! " Dream was about to take one but George slapped his hand " ow.. " Dream takes his hand back to himself and rubbed it " don't take it, wait for the others " George puts flour on the table " harsh-.. can I help? " Dream asked " sure! " George steps aside " ok, puts this on that " George helped Dream " Like this- " Dream gets Flour and throws it on George and George was shocked " Dream?!? " George Gets flour and throws it to Dream too " Hey- OI?!?! " Dream shouted and the others from the living room heard it and went to look for them to see if they are ok.

 " DREAM- NO! " George was laughing while defending himself and Dream was going to throw flour on George " DUDE'S?!?!? " Tommy shouted which made Dream throw the flour in accident " hey- " George's Hair was with flour so he had to take a other shower, Wilbur takes a pic and says "caught in 4k dude " with a giggle " who's going to cleaning now? " Bad asked " yeah stupid " Tommy and Tubbo said together " you guys " Dream stood up " no- you guys are " Sapnap looks back " I will do it, I', the one started it.. sorry " George picks the unbacked cookies and puts them on the oven " ok, now I feel bad.. let me help " Dream helped George " thank you " George and Dream stands up but before they will clean the floor George gave a peck on the cheek and then hears " OH MY GOD/WHAT?!!/HA I GOT THAT/this is so fucking gay, i'm out/ language and why-/CAUGHT IN 4K DUMBASS/language!!  " everyone was shocked even Dream but he just smiled at George and George smiled back. 

1243 words 

OK!! I have to end it here sorry~ thank you or reading my story! I hope that you have a lovely day! oh.. whats that- omg your so pretty.. I want to be pretty like you no fair- nah who cares ok, BYE LOVA YAAA


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