Chapter 15 Justifying Murder

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Apollyon looked at the human, it's essence was draining he couldn't chase after Katya and absorb this human's essence.
"Shit" Apollyon mumbled as he ran after Katya.
"Wait!" He says finally catching up to her.
"I am sorry to have interrupted you" Katya says as she keeps walking, avoiding looking at him.
"Please stop" Apollyon said gently grabbing her arm. Katya stopped, looked at his hand then finally up to his eyes.
"What?" She asks, pulling her arm from his hand.
"It's not what it looks like" he tries explaining himself but Katya interrupted him,
"It looked like you were murdering an innocent" she says putting her hands on her hips.
"I have to" Apollyon said looking down nervously.
"Why?" Katya questioned.
"Because I need their life force to survive" Apollyon said ashamed, it was not something he was proud of.
"What do you mean?" Katya asked, her attitude slowly simmering down.
"I need the life essence of humans to sustain my human body, It's the only way I can stay out of the volcanos and since i cannot go back I have to do it or I will die" Katya pursed her lips in thought. On one hand he did murder a random but on the other hand it was his life or the humans.
"Okay" Katya finally said after some thought.
"Okay?" Apollyon asked confused. Katya nodded her head but said no more.
"So are we good?" Apollyon asked confused, still unsure of where they stood.
"Yes, I understand" Katya said shortly but she didn't seem upset or angry.
"Okay..." Apollyon said, "that's good then" he said nodding slowly.
"Yes" Katya said before she walked away leaving Apollyon standing there confused and worried. With a sigh he turns back to the cabin and goes to see the human completely drained of life force.
"Well shit" he says cutting the body loose.

Katya walked through the forest and reached the edge of, beyond the forest was the very deserts they had walked through to go to the massive city that Durg lived under. She walked through the sands until she saw a camp of strange looking humans. She sat and watched for a little while before realizing they were cannibals. They murdered each other and ate their flesh
'Perfect!' Katya thought as she snuck into the camp. If Apollyon had to kill human's to live they should at least be human's filled with sin. This way she could justify him murdering innocent humans. She never looked kindly on human's as it was but she knew some were good and not all were bad. App the human's she had killed in the past were usually bandits or barbarians who looked like they were causing trouble but to kill human's that lived close by scared her. She didn't want the banding together to fight them for causing so much trouble. She knocked two of the cannibals out and dragged them through the desert and forest.

"Here" Katya says startling Apollyon who had just finished burying the body.
"What?" Apollyon asked turning towards but stops and looks at the two people that were dropped to his feet.
"Are you serious?" He asks looking up at her shocked.
"You said you needed them to live so here, two perfectly alive humans" Katya stated matter-of-factly. Apollyon smiled and said "Thank you Katya" he was glad she was taking this so well.
"Have fun" Katya says awkwardly before turning to leave. Apollyon looked between Katya leaving and the two humans by his feet, still confused but happy he would be getting better and back to his old self soon.

Katya walked to the river at the front of their settlement and sat, placing her feet into the water. She tried to rationalize everything but she still felt un easy. Apollyon is a demon, these are just demon things right? Katya didn't know much about them but assumed this was just there way. Long ago she had heard tall tales about demons but she assumed they were just stories to scare you into being good and eating all your vegetables. This was the first time she was face to face with one. The first time she had befriended one. The first one that made her heart beat fast and clouded her brain whenever he was near her. She didn't understand what was happening most of the time but some of the things that happened made her feel wrong. He had rage inside him that scared her and he did things that made her question her morality but blindly followed him. She took a deep breathe and rested her head in her hands.

Aboddon was in the cabin cleaning up when he looked out the window and saw Katya sitting by the river, 'perfect' he thought with a smirk as he finished what he was doing and walked outside. As he was walking down the front steps Apollyon turned the corner beside the cabin and stopped him.
"Fuck" Aboddon mumbled as Apollyon saw him.
"What are you doing?" Apollyon asked eyeing Aboddon suspiciously.
"I finished cleaning the cabin and was just stepping outside for some fresh air, maybe go hunting. I haven't decided yet" Aboddon said lazily stretching.
"Go clean the shit from the barn and brush the horses" Apollyon commanded. Aboddon's body tensed up, it was no use fighting the curse so Aboddon bowed his head saying "yes sir" before heading to the barn.

Apollyon smirked as he watched Aboddon leave, he loved having such control over him. It was the same control his old master had on him until the day he was commanded to kill his sister. He resisted the oath to the point it almost killed him and angered his master that Apollyon preferred death over completing his order. Apollyon's stomach rumbled and Apollyon remembered what he was going to do before he ran into Aboddon. He walked into the kitchen and grabbed some bread and left over soup. He ate it all but it did not fill him up, it tasted different then he remembered,'weird' he thought. Rummaging through the kitchen he ate an assortment of things, anything he could find but nothing filled the empty hole in his stomach. He walked out of the kitchen and decided he would just go hunting, maybe he just needed some meat. Apollyon stalked through the woods until he found an elk, killing it quickly. He stood over the elk's body and started carving into the deer when the blood caught his eye. 'Why is my mouth watering?' He wondered as he cut chunks of meat off the elk. With a huge chunk if raw meat in his hand he brought it up to his face and took a sniff, 'why does this smell so good?' He thought to himself in shock, he's never been this hungry before, maybe his mind was playing tricks on him. There was only one way to find out. His sharp teeth ripped into the raw meat of the elk, it tasted so sweet on his tongue. Hungrily he devoured the elk and only when all the meat was gone from the creature was he satisfied.
'Why was this so good?' He wondered but in all honestly this was the first time he had eaten un cooked meat.

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