The two women in Ridge's life!

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The next day was Eric and Stephanie's big summer party. In the afternoon, Taylor and Ridge rode with the kids to the Forrester mansion to help with the final preparations. Stephanie was in high spirits and she was no longer mad at Taylor for her behavior the day before. Seeing the happiness of Ridge and Taylor and the fact that the talk with Brooke didn't change anything, she realized Taylor was probably right. They were perfectly capable of handling the situation on their own. Stephanie simply looked forward to spending time with her family. Finally everything was prepared. A magnificent buffet had been prepared, the garden was beautifully decorated with lanterns, lights and torches. There were small tables all around. Flowers and candles were floating in the pool and a dance floor had been set up. The musicians were just setting up their instruments. Taylor and Steffy said their goodbyes, they needed to go home to freshen up and change. Ridge and Thomas had brought their suits with them and were getting ready at the Forrester mansion. Ridge waved to Taylor and his daughter.

"See you later! I've already ordered a ride for you guys."

Steffy, wearing a red-white summer dress stepped into her mother's bedroom.

"Mom, could you please help me with my hair." Steffy froze when she saw her mother. She was still in her robe, some of her clothes scattered on the bed. "Mom, what are you doing? Our car will be here any minute. Why aren't you ready yet?" Taylor sighed in exasperation. 

"I just don't know what to wear! I don't have a suitable dress for this evening."

"Oh come on, you have plenty of beautiful dresses!"

"Yeah, but I just want to look really special." 

"I see. You want to outshine all the women that night, or at least a certain one! Am I right?" Taylor smiled sheepishly, but gave her no answer.

"You better help me!" she urged her daughter. Steffy checked the clothes and finally pulled out a beautiful white summer dress.

"How about this one?"

"All white? Are you crazy? This makes me look like a bride, if I show up like this, your grandmother will call the minister right away!"

"Okay, you have a point." Steffy pulled out a short, sexy black dress.

"And how about this one?"

"All black? This is a summer party, not a funeral!" Steffy hissed through her teeth. 

"Fine, no black then either." She pulled out a floral colorful strapless dress.

"And how about this one? It's perfect for a summer party."

"I don't know, don't you think it's a little too gaudy? With this dress I look like a livid candy store." Steffy cried out.

"Mom, you're driving me crazy." Just then, the front doorbell rang. "I'll get it, if that's our driver, you really should hurry." Steffy rushed down the stairs. At the door was a delivery man. "Package for Dr. Taylor Hayes?!"

"Yes, that's my mom." Steffy accepted her mother's delivery and headed back into the bedroom with it.

"Who was it?" her mother asked curiously.

"There's a package for you. Were you hitting the stores on Rodeo Drive yesterday?"

"No, I didn't buy or order anything. That's weird." Taylor started to open the package, on the tissue paper was a card 'For the Queen of the night! Love Ridge' Hastily Taylor pushed the paper aside. Inside was a magnificent gold- silver dress.

"Wow, Dad really has a good taste!" commented Steffy appreciatively. Taylor's face was beaming. She disappeared into her dressing room and came out in the new dress. "Wow, you will be the eye-catcher of the night! Brooke doesn't stand a chance against you." Taylor and Steffy were now helping each other with their hair. Shortly after, the doorbell rang again. This had to be their ride. As they trotted out, both of their mouths dropped open. "A limo? Dad is really pulling out all the stops." Mother and daughter enjoyed the ride to the Forrester mansion, which ended all too soon.

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