An eventful night!

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Taylor and Susan sat chatting on her terrace. Taylor talked about the store and the progress it made. Susan was a little surprised how deeply involved Taylor had become.
"You seem to be there a lot these days and helping out. Doesn't that feel strange?"
"Why should it?"
"Don't get me wrong. I think it's great that you're so generous in offering your support. But isn't it weird for you to see Ridge so often? I mean, it wasn't so long ago, you didn't want to see him, let alone talk to him."
"Oh no, that's okay. Ridge and I have found a good way. We now make sure that we keep a certain distance and are much more attentive to each other. Right now our contact is very pleasant. Besides, we are not alone and Rosa and I have become very good friends. It's fun to be with them and after all, you're the one who's always preaching to me, I should socialize more."

"Okay, it just irritated me. But if you say everything is alright, then great. Speaking of socializing, what are you doing on Saturday?"
"I don't know yet, I don't have any plans."
"Excellent! Then you can join me to the new cocktail bar. It's opening this weekend. I heard it's pretty great." Susan handed Taylor a flyer. She hesitated and wasn't really convinced.
"Come on! Please. It'll be fun."
"I don't know! Don't you think we're a little bit too old for this?"
"Oh don't be like that! Or do you want us to stay at home and knit some socks?"
"Admit it, you just want me to come along so you have a ride home. But fine, let's go."
"Cool. So we'll meet there around 8.30 okay?

Yeah, fine."

Taylor had already arrived at the bar and was waiting. Curious, she looked around. She liked the place. The music wasn't obnoxiously loud and the ambiance was welcoming. Moreover, there was a long list of cocktails without alcohol. She ordered a Virgin Colada and kept her eyes firmly on the entrance. Susan, however, did not appear. Taylor began to wonder. She dug out her phone and discovered a message. Susan had texted her, she had suddenly gotten a very bad toothache and wouldn't come. "Great, what do I do now?" she thought. She felt pretty stupid, all alone. Slightly miffed, she drank her cocktail when she heard a man's voice near her.

"Hey, did your date just cancel on you?"
"Accordingly it looks that way."
"If you want to, I would be happy to offer myself as a replacement."
"Is this your way to find a date?"
"No! My speciality are women who have been ditched." Taylor couldn't help herself, she had to laugh. The stranger seemed sympathetic on the first impression.
"Well, if you really don't mind playing the substitute, please sit down."
"Not at all, I'm Michael by the way!"
"Taylor, Nice to meet you!"

After a while, the first good impression evaporated. The guy was a total jerk. Conceited and self-absorbed and a terrible pick-up artist in the worst way. While he talked incessantly about himself, she feverishly considered how to get rid of him. She tried to brush him off and say goodbye, but Michael wouldn't let her go. He was obviously the kind of a man who wasn't used to the word 'No'. Taylor glanced around in search for help. The guy was really starting to creep her out, though she didn't want to put on a scene either. All at once her heart made a huge leap. She spotted Ridge, who had just entered the bar. This was her chance to get away from this weirdo.

Ridge ordered himself a drink. Looking around, he saw Taylor sitting together with an unknown man. Ridge peeked over at the two of them curiously from time to time. They seemed to be in a livid discussion. Taylor gestured wildly with her hands. She stared in his direction several times and squinted with her eyes as if she was trying to tell him something. Somehow, he got the feeling that something was wrong. He watched as Taylor tried to turn away, but the man held her by her arm. That was enough, he decided to intervene. He already knew how he was going to do it.

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