A party full of surprises!

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Steffy and Thomas have planned a welcome party for their parents. In agreement with them, they want to announce that Taylor and Ridge were now husband and wife and so the welcome party would also be their wedding reception. Taylor and Ridge left all the planning and organization to their children. They had been busy with the preparations for weeks. They had chosen the day after their parents' arrival. It was all relatively short notice, but the day was convenient since Brooke was in Paris and couldn't interfere with their plans. Steffy claimed this would be a 'Logan-free' party. Besides, that way they could be  sure, the surprise wouldn't come to light beforehand. Steffy and Thomas also invited RJ for the party to please their father. At the wedding, he had come up with the wish, they and RJ would become closer in the future. After all, they were siblings and all his children. RJ already knew his father had married Taylor, but he didn't care relatively. He had expected it someday and as long as his father didn't put a wedding band on his mother's finger again, anything was fine by him. RJ had arrived a day earlier than his father and Taylor. He was, frankly, pretty jittery about meeting Steffy and Thomas. Even though they were his siblings, he basically didn't know them at all. Most of what he knew about them he had picked up from his mother and Hope. He had been so small when the family broke up back then. From that day on, he had had virtually no contact with them. But Steffy and Thomas made every effort to reach out to him. After a short time, the three noticed that they actually had a lot in common. Especially Thomas and RJ found a direct connection to each other, they realized they were interested in the same things. Steffy and Thomas wanted to create a video with pictures from the wedding to show it at the party. RJ, who was very interested in photography and film and also took a class at school, was a great support for them. He helped them to put their ideas into practice technically. So they spent a fun afternoon together, gradually getting closer.

The next day they prepared everything for the arrival of their parents. Taylor and Ridge had landed and were on their way to their mansion.

"I wonder if we'll even recognize the house, or if Thomas and Steffy have finally turned everything upside down."

"Well, since I know you, I'm sure soon you'll take the reins again."

"You can count on it! I want those two to realize immediately that I'm back in charge now!"

"Hey, I still thought I'm the leader of this family!" Ridge was well aware of the way she bit her tongue to stifle a laugh and that she was avoiding his gaze. In toddler fashion, she stroked his cheek.

"Of course you're the master of the house, who else?!"

"Why do I just get the feeling you don't take me seriously at all?"

"Ridge, how do you get that idea?" He looked at her piercingly. "Okay, let's agree on the following. At work you're the boss and at home I'm in charge!"

At home, they were warmly greeted by Steffy, Thomas and RJ. Ridge was very happy to see his son again. Steffy and Thomas had kept RJ's visit quiet to surprise their father.

"But how did you manage to get a leave of absence from the school? Your mother?"

"No! Mom has no idea I'm here."

"You know Dad, we have a very similar voice on the phone?" Thomas grinned at him.

"Now don't tell me you pretended to be me to get RJ out of boarding school?" 

"Well, otherwise it wouldn't have been a surprise." 

"Actually, I should be busting your chops for that, but I'm just way too happy!" Ridge gave his two sons a hug. RJ turned to Taylor.  

"Hi Taylor, or should I call you 'Stepmom' from now on?"

"For God's sake don't! I always think there's something threatening about that name!"

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