Dealing with the past!

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Ridge was fully recovered and completely restored. The follow-up examination with Dr. Sander was extremely satisfactory. Ridge had not suffered any long term damage from the accident. The only thing left behind was a small, fine scar on his chest. Taylor loved to caress and kiss this scar. It reminded her every time of the great fortune Ridge and all of them had. Ridge put all the resolutions he had made after his accident into action. First, he invited Taylor to a nice and fancy dinner. At their date night, Ridge pulled all the strings, first he surprised her with a new dress he had designed for her. As he presented it to her, she joked that if he continued to shower her with new dresses all the time, they would soon need to build another house on their property just for her clothes. She admired herself in the mirror and was entranced. No one knew her tastes better than Ridge. They left their own car at home; Ridge had booked a limousine for them. They drove to the beach. Ridge had hired a catering service and organized a dinner under the stars, with music and everything. Taylor was thrilled and they had an unforgettable night together. The highlight was when Ridge shocked her with a diamond bracelet. Taylor was speechless.

"Ridge, you're crazy!"

"I know!" He put the bracelet on her.

"It's adorable! Thank you!" She gave him a kiss. "I suppose you're planning to win an Oscar for 'world's best husband'?" He embraced her by her waist.

"Maybe, what are my chances?" She smiled him in the eye.

"I'd even present you with a platinum Oscar!" They fell into each other's arms and sank into each other.

Another resolution Taylor and Ridge put into action was on their next weekend off they flew to San Francisco to visit their friends. Everyone was happy to see them and that they were all together again..They also stopped by the Forrester Boutique. Ridge was very pleased to see Rosa and Ted were perfectly capable of running the store successfully.

A few days after they returned home, Taylor noticed Ridge was sleeping very poorly and he was restless. He often tossed and turned in bed at night and woke up several times. She approached him about it, but he just waved her off, saying it was just stress, as the next fashion show at Forrester Creation was coming up soon. Taylor didn't quite buy his explanation, but decided not to press the issue at this time. But one night Ridge woke up screaming loudly. Taylor also startled up, she stared at him with great concern. He was in a mess. He was shaking all over, drenched in sweat and showed no response. Taylor held him in her arms and talked to him soothingly, he was clinging to her tightly. Slowly Ridge calmed down, his breathing and pulse became regular again. Taylor smoothed his face gently.

"Are you okay?" Ridge collected himself.

"Yeah, it's all better again! I'm sorry if I woke you up."

"That is irrelevant Ridge! What is wrong with you? What did you dream?" He didn't want to talk about it.

"It was nothing wild, everything is alright! I'm fine!" He was about to turn off the light. "Come on, let's go back to sleep!" But this time Taylor didn't give in.

"Ridge, you just woke up screaming loudly and you were a mess, so don't tell me you're fine. Talk to me, I'm just trying to help you!"

"I didn't ask for a therapy session, Doctor!" he snapped at her in an aggressive tone. He immediately regretted his words when he saw the hurt expression on her face. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to attack you. It's just, I don't want to talk about it. The whole thing isn't a big deal."

"Please. Ridge, I'm seriously concerned about you and not as a therapist but as your wife! Do you think I didn't notice that you've been sleeping poorly and restless for days! Please tell me what is bothering you, you will see you will feel much better, if you share your troubles with me. If you don't open up and talk about it, you don't have to be surprised if your soul processes it in your dreams." Ridge gave her an annoyed look. "Okay, I'll stop with my shrink babbling, but Ridge I only care about your well-being! It's a burden for me to watch you struggling and it hurts me when you shut me out. Ridge, I love you and we vowed to each other to share everything including our sorrows." Ridge sighed, realizing she was right. It was just hard for him to share his anxiety with her. Since he had been a little boy, he had learned to be strong and not to show any weakness. But finally he came clean

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