Whip has a crush!

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Two days later, the doorbell rang at the Belair mansion. Taylor was alone at home. She was surprised, because she wasn't expecting a visitor. She was even more amazed when she saw who was standing at the door. It was Whip, with a bouquet of wildflowers.

"Hello Whip, what a surprise, I wasn't expecting you!"

"Hi Taylor, yeah I was at your practice but your secretary told me you are working at home today. Am I interrupting something?"

"No! Not at all! Please come in." A little uncertain, Whip stepped inside.

"Here, these are for you!" He handed her the flowers. 

"Thank you, they are beautiful!" Taylor responded a little shy, while she was taking care of the flowers, Whip looked around curiously. 

"Well, it hasn't changed much, still looks the same."

"Well, actually we've made some changes around  the house, though not here in the living area. Would you like something to drink?"

"Yes, please!" She handed him a drink and they both sat down.

"I don't mean to seem nosy, but is there a reason for your visit? I guess you didn't come just to see what the house looks like."

"No, I came to say goodbye. I'm flying back to Florida tomorrow morning."

"Oh ok, I hope your business here in LA has been successful."

"Yes, everything went pretty well!"

"Good, I'm happy for you." Taylor was a little nervous; she sensed Whip still had something on his mind. But he didn't quite know how to begin. But then he gathered all his courage.

"I also wanted to tell you something important, but first I have a confession to make. The other day at IL Giardino, I was watching you and Ridge for a while. Honestly I was very stunned when you told me you are married and at first I wasn't quite sure what to make of it. I had to see with my own eyes that you are fine. You know I never trusted Ridge. I always thought he was playing with your feelings, but now I've seen, you guys are truly happy together. It seems he genuinely loves you, obviously he has changed." Taylor nodded in agreement.

"Yes, he has! You can take my word for it, Ridge and I have a very harmonious marriage."

"I've realized that and I'm really happy for you two, more than that it's a relief for me and it helped me to draw the line."

"What do you mean?"

"Over the last few months I often thought about us, our marriage and our breakup. I often wondered if I made the right decision or if I gave up too easily." Taylor interrupted him.

"Whip, you don't have to be sorry, you did the right thing. We both knew our marriage didn't stand a chance. I was just too much of a coward to admit it to myself and I was afraid to be alone again. But I understood why you left and I never held it against you. In the end, it was my fault that our marriage failed."

"Still, I wondered if we could have made it work if I had reacted differently. Moreover, it often gave me a stitch to think you might be miserable for the rest of your life. Because in my eyes it was out of the question that Ridge and you would find each other again." He paused and took a sip of his drink. "But what I really like to say, now that I know for sure that you are happy and content and doing well, I can finally close this chapter and move forward." Taylor smiled back at him.

"I'm glad to hear that. I know I put you through a lot and I want to sincerely apologize to you. It wasn't fair the way I treated you then. I hope you find a woman who appreciates your good qualities and loves you the way you deserve." Suddenly Whip had a dreamy expression on his face.

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