Part 1 : Okie Doki Let's Have An Adventure

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Location: (Y/N'S) House in the magic forest



What the hell? Why is Koishi here all of a sudden?


Koishi : "(Y/N)nii-san~ I know your in there. Come on out or say goodbye to Mrs Door~."

....Since when was my door married?
...... Wait a second is she gonna bust down my door!!!

(Y/N) : "W-Wait! Stop! There no need to do that Koishi I'll be there in a moment!"

Quickly running out of the kitchen, managed to open..... and save my door in the nick of time.

(Y/N) : "Jeez Koishi there's no need for you to do that-"

Before I could finish my sentence, Koishi surprised tackled me into a bone crunching hug.

(Y/N) : " oof!!"

Koishi : " Kyaaa! Hooray you came out of the house and you still remember my name!"

Oh course I would remember your name Koishi..... I mean we known each other for two years, why would make such a big deal of it?

I mean I know that Koishi is type of yokai that's called a satori, a yokai that's capable of reading the hearts of others.... Which why people avoid them.

BUT me... Hell nah. I think it's stupid for some people to assume your the worst of the worst without getting to know the person.

And I know that Koishi is a kind hearted kid.

The only strange thing about her is that she talks to her hat or sometimes random objects.

(...... I think there was that time I found her talking to a dead frog and called it Mr Kermit..... but that's a story for another time.

Anyway I'm currently laying on the floor with a loli yokai squeezing the life outta me..... I had worst.

(Y/N) : " Eeeh? Koishi could I get up now?"

Koishi : " Mmmmmm... Oh! sorry about that nii-san~."

Koishi and I got off the floor, I was wondering what she wanted to ask me for?


(Y/N) : " Huh? so you're asking if I can lend you a Fishing rod."

Koishi : " Yep Yep Yep! I was planning on going to the ocean today, so I could catch a huge fish for beloved onee-chan~."

I see, I see.... Koishi you do realize the Misty lake is not an ocean right?

But I won't correct her, she's seems eager to do this fishing thing.

(Y/N) : " Well sorry to be the bearer of of bad news, I don't seem have fishing rod for you Koishi. "

Koishi : " Oh....... I know your not a liar nii-san~ so it's ok......"

Koishi looked sad knowing she won't be getting the item she requested.

Shit..... I'm starting to feel little bad myself now after seeing her saddened expression.

Well I guess I can help her out a bit?
Mom and Dad always said I should help those who are in need right?

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