Part 18/4 : You Are Always On My Mind~

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Date : ........ Five Days till Hoxton dies

Location : Hoxton's House - Bedroom Room

Hoxton POV


Hoxton : " I don't feel like getting up today...... Actually I don't want to do anything at all....... Just laze around...."

Yes what your seeing right now is man wearing his casual clothes he pulled randomly from his wardrobe while still wearing his sandals, laying on his bed in complete bliss.

Yes what your seeing right now is man wearing his casual clothes he pulled randomly from his wardrobe while still wearing his sandals, laying on his bed in complete bliss

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Yep it's one of those days which my body just refuses to move and I spend it sleeping on my bed for the rest of the day.

I call these events the 'Lazy Days of my Life' and yes they're the only time my body isn't hyperactive as usual.

However there's a downside to my lazy days....... Everyone in the Lunar Capital would start to panic, well mostly my friends and family.

Why would they panic you may ask, quite simple. Since the 'Knight of the Capital' never takes any breaks whatsoever, but if I do and just stay at home the entire day...... My mother would immediately send search parties to look for me and everyone would join the cause.

Honestly I can't wait to visit Earth, so I can get away from all of this craziness. From one of my friends dying, my mother's overbearing nature and Toyohime's recent creepy approaches towards me.

Yeah you guessed right Toyohime and I started to talk again. Well I wouldn't say we had full conversations, but I could tell things were still awkward between us.

However it didn't stop her weird behavior around me. Actually I believe her strange nature worsened after the party incident.

She would find excuses to stay with her longer, giving presents to other lunarian males too make me jealous and after she heard I was going to Earth..... Let's say not many good things came out of that one.

This is one crazy world I live in and it gets stranger by the minute, but I'm looking forward to the end of this week. Oh Sweet Chang'e I'm excited man!

Hoxton : " I can't believe I'm going to see an entirely different world soon. I wonder if the Earth is far more advanced than the Lunar Capital or maybe they have interesting animals."

Hoxton : " I've heard about those strange mammals called 'cats' from the old man and he said they're like balls of fluff."

Hoxton : " Hehehe~ I'm so glad I took this mission from the old man and not only that mother agreed to it."

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