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I laid in Kylo's arms like no one would touch us.
I sat up and took in the sight of him sleeping. I traced the line softly down his face onto his shoulder. His eyes fluttered open. I have something to say Kylo and I am not looking for you to say it back to me. Just be quiet ok. He nodded as if understood. Kylo Ren I love you , I ache when you're not with me. You are my everything. It's ok not to feel the same.
Ruby he said I want to feel the same but I am all over the map. There are things that aren't in my control. My feelings I can't trust right now. But I can say that you're the only person that I trust . Does that make sense? When I'm with you I feel like I can conquer the world and be confident enough to be who I am and feel safe. But when I'm not with you I have this strange dyad with the force with the scavenger that I don't know what I do with. That is some thing that's pushed on me and I have a strange connection with her that I don't understand comes from . i'm not trying to be hurtful towards you I'm trying to be honest with you. But I feel like you need to know this
I sat there and took it all in I looked at them so much of our lives have been put upon us and I feel like we have to clean to each other to get to this. at that moment he looked like 1000 problems came off his shoulders and he relaxed. Kylo said Ruby, I always feel better once I've talk to you I never feel ashamed when I tell you the truth I feel like you don't judge me. kylo I will always be in your corner I don't know if it was because I was raised to be or naturally this comes to me. I fell back in his arms and he pulled me into a strong embrace he rub my hair lovingly. Ruby it's going to be OK we'll get through this together you me and the knights of Ren. Kylo what are we gonna do about the resistance.
Ruby we are going to wipe them out we have a machine that's ready and it's going to cause them so much pain. I'm going to kill my Uncle and finally be free.

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