Chapter 8

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  ***warning abuse***
  I wake up to being kicked in the stomach "I said wake up bitch!" i hear my father yell, my eyes shoot open im on the floor by the front door. "About time bitch you've been there for three hours get your ass up and make me dinner" he says kicking me again. I don't move right away so he kicks me again yelling me to hurry up. I finally get up and stumble into the kitchen to make his stupid fucking dinner. I decide to just warm him up some left over pasta im in too much pain to stay standing up. When its done I walk the plate to where he is sitting along with a beer and sit it down "here you go" i say then I start to walk away. "Hey I didn't say you can leave get back here" he says grabbing my arm really hard. I turn back around and stand in front of him, "I saw you with those guys again, and heard you skipped all your morning classes what were you busy letting them fuck you that you couldn't attend class" he spit out at me but I don't respond. "ANSWER ME!" he yells louder slamming his fork onto the table I flinch "I passed out from pain amd slept through my morning classes and they offered me a ride home that's all" I answer.
  He stands up and hit me in thr face again but I don't pass out this time, my hand goes right to my face. "I know your lying you stupid whore your just like your mother sleeping around, you should have died with her your just like her nothing but a stupid whore" he yells while punching me again. I try to walk away from his hits but he grabs my hair and throws me on the floor and starts kicking me over and over calling me a whore telling me he should just kill me. I then hear him walk away then I hear him opening the knife drawer, I start to panic he's going to kill me, hes going to. Indigo get your ass up he's going to kill you run, I will my body to move when I hear his steps getting closer to me. Once on my feet I start to run to the front door but once i get there its locked and the only other place I can go is my room so I make a run for the basement stairs. I hear his steps getting closer to me, "get back here you stupid girl this will be faster if you just get back here now!" he yells. I frantically think of what to do then I remember Skye's words "call me of you need help" I start looking for my phone in my pockets when I get to the basement stairs and start walking down then slowly while opening my phone.
  I finally open my phone and press call on Skye's naming willing him to answer right away when I hear my father behind me "who the hell you calling give me that phone!" he yells running down the stairs to get the phone I start to move faster when I trip on a step and start falling. Right when I hit the bottom I see the call was finally answered just when my father comes down and stabs me in the leg with the knife "SKYE HELP ME!" i scream right before my father stomps on the phone and pulls the knife out of my leg and stabs me again.
  ***Skye's pov***
  I dropped Indigo off a few hours ago and she has yet to text me so im getting worried. Me and the guys are all talking about how to help Indigo, and I just can't focus I feel like something is wrong. All of a sudden my phone starts ringing and its her I just stare at it "dude are you going to answer that" Theo says pulling me back. I hit answer " hello Indigo why haven't you texted me" I say but no answer then I hear a loud thud then "SKYE HELP ME!!" then nothing I jump up "INDI BABY ANSWER ME INDI ARE YOU THERE" i yell into the phone but no answer i look at my phone shit the line went dead so I throw my phone. I look up and the guys are looking at me "Somethings wrong with Indi she just yelled for help we need to go now my mates in trouble!" i yell running out the door not waiting for them. Everest is going crazy in my head yelling mate in trouble, go to mate, I tell him I know and we are going now. He's getting hard to control at this point but I need to be able to drive so I take a few deep breaths and tell him he needs to calm down.
  Jumping into the car Theo and Axle get in with me while the others get in there car. I speed off out of the parking lot driving down the road not caring how fast im going. My mates in trouble "i knew something was wrong stupid stupid for not just leaving when I knew something was wrong" i yell hitting the steering wheel. "Skye you need to control yourself and your wolf you wont be any good to her if you kill us or loose control calm yourself down we are almost there we will get to her" Theo tells me. I know he's right "Sorry your right I just felt like something was wrong and with us not mates yet I wasn't for sure but I should have known, the way she screamed Theo it was.." i couldn't even finish what I was saying. "I know man we all heard her, we will get to her I promise" Theo says to me. I turn to him really fast "When we get there lets get her and go, I know he's the one hurting her but I want her to decide what to do to him just knock him out and lets get her out, grab her bag thats it" I tell them both, "yes alpha" they both say.
  When we finally pull up to her house I throw the car in park not bothering to turn it off. I run right up to the door and ita locked so I ram into it making it fly off the hinges. Walking in I hear Indigos screams for help so I run in that direction, I look down the stairs where I heard Indigo screaming. I see that mother fucker on top of her with a knife ready ro stable her she's covered in blood already. I run down the stairs and grab him amf throw him across the room. Ill let Theo deal with him I need to help my mate. Looking down at her shes covered in blood, I pick her up and she screams kicking around so I pull her closer to me "shh babygirl its me your safe I got you" I tell her. She opens her eyes and stops screaming and kicking when she sees its me "Skye" she says then passes out.

Indigo: her redemption matesWhere stories live. Discover now