Chapter 11

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  ***Indigo's pov***
  I can hear a beeping noise as I start to wake up, my body feels heavy and tired and im in a lot pain. Opening my eyes the room is so bright and white making me force my eyes closed. I try to speak but I can't because there is something in my throat preventing me from talking. My eyes shoot open and I start freaking out the beeping starts to get louder as I try to figure out where I am and why I can't speak. "Indi baby clam down its okay calm down" I hear my name and I snap my head in the direction of it finding Skye walking up to me trying to calm me down. He gets on the bed and pushes me back into my back "babygirl you need to calm down, the doctor will be here in a minute to take the breathing tube out but you need to relax for me" he says rubbing my head and hand. Did he just call me babygirl and why is he here where am i why am I not dead and then it all hits me he saved my life, Skye saved me. I shoot my eyes wide open staring at him breathing heavy, he leans down and kisses my forehead, his scent overwhelming me but I welcome it.
  The door to the room opens up and I snap my head over to see who it is. "Hello there Indigo my names doctor parker you can call me sam, now im going to take that tube out, its going to be uncomfortable at first" she tells me. I just nod since thats all I can do, Skye moves off the bed I snap my head to him pleading him not to leave me. "Hey don't worry im not leaving im right here the doctor needs room" he says squeezing my hand. The doctor presses a button so my bed moves up so im sitting up now "okay this will be uncomfortable you will cough a lot but thats normal are you ready?" she says with her hands on the tube ready to pull it out. I nod yes to her to let her know im ready, slowly she starts to pull it out and it feels so weird once its completely out I starts coughing like crazy bringing my hand to my throat I need water. Skye must sense this since he walks over to the water on the table and brings me a cup "small sips baby" he says lifting the cup to my mouth. After I swallow the water I look at him "thank you" i say in a whisper since it feels weird to talk.
  I look at him and the doctor "where am i?" I ask them both, they look at each other "your at the hospital in the town we live in I brought you here only trusting them" Skye answered me. Then the doctor speaks up "what do you remember Indigo?" she asks me, I look at them both "I remember my father on top of me then hearing Skye then after that nothing what happened?" I ask. "Indigo, you've been in coma for the last two weeks, you where in pretty bad shape when skye brought you in, many broken ribs, punctured lung many stab wounds and a bad head injury that caused a small brain bleed your lucky to be alive if Skye didn't get you here when he did you wouldn't have made it he saved your life" the doctor tells me. I look at my body I have a cast on my leg and my arm, "oh those you had some old broken bones that didn't set right I went ahead and broke them again to let them heal right" the doctor tells me. I look at her "thank you" I tell her then look at Skye "what happened to my father?" I ask him. He lets out a sigh, the doctor tells me she will be back later to check on me amd have some one bring me some pain meds.
  Skye takes a seat in the chair next to my bed "Indi baby he is still alive, if thats what you want to know, my friends beat him pretty bad and left him in his home tied up in the basement, for the last two weeks he has been trying very hard to find you" he tells me and I start to panic. He sees my panic and gets in ned next to me and pulls me close to him "Shh its okay he can't find you, your safe he won't hurt you anymore I promise your safe" he says rubbing my back. Breathing in his scent I curl closer to him and start to calm down. Once im calm I pull away to look in his eyes "You saved me, you came you saved me" i say starting to cry "I was so scared Skye I thought I was going to die" I sob into his chest. "shhh I got you babygirl its okay I got you" he says to me kissing my head.
  He lets me cry while he just holds me rubbing my back. When I finally start to calm down I realize I can feel sparks flying through my whole body is he holds me, I wonder if you can feel that too but I don't wanna ask right now. Im so tired and I don't get why when I was in a coma for two weeks but it feels like ive been hit with a car and few time all a sudden and my body begins to get heavy. I let out a yawn skye chuckles at me " come on lets get you laying back down you need some sleep" he says starting to move. I pull him back to me "stay please hold me" I ask him, "okay babygirl just let me lay the bed back down" he says laying me down so he can stand to put the bed back to laying. Once he's done he climbs back into the bed pulling me to his chest, laying my head down I snuggle closer. I look up at him "thank you for saving my life" I say to him as I play with his shirt, "I'll always save you babygirl no need for thanks, now close your eyes and sleep ill be right herd the whole time" he says kissing my head. Listening to him I close my eyes snuggling closer the room is silent besides the machine beeping. I can hear his heart beating in his chest it so relaxing that I start to fall asleep. The last thing I hear is skye "I'll always protect my mate" he says in a whisper but I still hear him as I slip into darkness.

Indigo: her redemption matesWhere stories live. Discover now