Chapter 58

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  With out hesitation I roll over onto my hands and knees. I feel Axel get behind me, he smacks my as making me yelp "dont you look pretty from back here" he says then smacks my ass again making me moan this time. He leans over me "some one like that" he says into my ear, I nod and smack "words love always words" he says. He slides and finger down my wet needy core making my whine "yes daddy I like that" I whine out. I wiggle my ass wanting more then him teasing me, he smacks my ass again "nope you get what I give you nothing more" he says. I whimper and moan as he slowly touches me sliding two fingers in and out and playing with my clint. " please" I beg him grabbing the sheets making my knuckles turn white. He learns over kissing my shoulder "please what? What do you want love" he says adding a third finger. I moan "please daddy I need you please" I beg him.
  He growls pulling his fingers out of me and one powerful thrust he deep inside me. The thrust is so strong it sends me forward a little "oh god yes!" I scream out. He thrust arent slow they are hard and fast, he pushes my body into the bed and some how sliding even deeper into me. "Oh fuck right there" I moan out, I feel his hand slid down my body until it wraps around my neck. He pulls me up against his body still thrusting into me while holding my neck. I feel his hot breath on my neck "god you feel so good love" he says into my ear. "Im close daddy" I moan out wrapping my arms back behind me digging my nails into his back. "Me too love I need to flip us over so we can mark each other where do I mark you?" he asks me. In one shift motion he pulls out and outs me in his lap thrusting into me making me moan out loud. "Hold on love so close" he says thrusting into me hard and fast. "Oh god oh god yes" I scream out, once I feel we are about to both cum I grab his face and shove it into my neck above Theos mark right below my ear. "There you have to mark me there" I moan out putting my face in his neck in same spot. Once we both explode me bite down moaning even louder, I close up Axels mark I left him. And throw my head back and he is still biting me, he closes that mark licking it and then push his face to the other side breathing heavy. "Two mark me again" I breath out biting into the other side of his neck at the same he does both moan out in pleasure.
  Once done we close the marks, I fling my head and arms back while he hold me steady. "Grab her arms Skye and Theo" I hear Axel say, he knows what I need. They both grab my arms and a dig my nails into there arms. My eyes fly open looking at them all, they all suck in the breath. My whole body feels one fire so much power flowing through me, I let out an animalistic scream then fall onto Axels chest letting Skye and Theo go. Axel holds me close "shhh I got you just breath" he says rubbing my back. My chest heaving up and down trying to breath "thats it love just like that slow and easy, now Skye and Theo and going yo run a bath does that sound good" he asks me. I just nod my head as i feel Skye and Theo get up, "okay Im going to pull out and get out of bed then pick you up okay" he says then pulls out making me whimper as he turns and lays me down. Seconds later he has me in his arms again, "I got you, your going to be sore but the warm water will help, we will bathe you then take a nap but I need you to drink the last of your water and go pee for me first before we get into the water okay" he says.
  I don't say anything as he places me down, automatically going. Once done he picks me back up and sit me on counter "now drink all of it" he says placing the water infront of me. Taking it and take big gulps "slow down love slowly" he says so I slow down drinking it all to the end. "Good girl now baths ready come on" he says picking me up and handing me off to skye in the tub. He kisses my head "Skye and Theo will clean you up im going to shower and change the sheets then I will be back to bring you back to the room, are you hungry?" he asks me. I shake my head no "im sleepy" is all I can mange to say, "okay love stay sleep soon but first get clean ill be back" hr says then walks off. Skye and Theo both give me a kiss each then wordlessly wash me off making sure to me careful in my sensitive areas. Once done Skye just hold me, Theo leans over "I'll meet you in bed want one of our shirts to sleep in?" he asks and I just nod. He kisses my head and gets out, skye kisses my head "you did so good kitten" he says to me. I sigh into his body, "okay love come on time get out" Axel says picking me and wrapping me in a towel and carrying me out of the bathroom. He sets me on the bed and drys me off then slips a shirt over me right away knowing it's Theo's.
  Axel picks me up and lays me on the bed laying next to me, I feel the bed move knowing it's Skye and Theo. They find there places around me Skye behind me and Theo in between my legs. I sigh content "I love you" I mumble out, i feel them all kiss me somewhere "we love you too" they all say. I smile "now sleep love we will be here when you make up" Axel says. As Im falling asleep I can hear them all talking to each other about plans for when we wake up but I block it all out as I let sleep take over.
  I open my eyes but im not in our room im in a bright white room. Looking around "hello is anyone there?" I call out but no one answers. I start to walk around but everything is the same just white endless white wall, floor and ceiling. "Hello child" I hear behind me, i turn around and see a beautiful women in all white. "Do I know you?" I ask her, she chuckles "no dear but I know you my special little Indigo River come we must talk" she says holding out her hand. I take it because I for some reason trust her "now to answer your question im what they call the moon godess mother of all wolfs" she says and I just nod. She chuckles again "now for why I brought you here, you just mated and marked your mates so now its time I tell you a little bit about why I gave you three now instead of two like you were supposed to have all along" she says.
  She waves her hand making a bench appear and has me sit she faces me and takes me hands. "Indigo you are a very special girl you have gone through so much but still came out strong, i knew the day you were born you were just the girl we needed with us so I gave you Skye as your mate. Then Theo lost his mate so I gave him to you as his second chance mate. You three needed each other you help balance Skye's anger and you put Theo back together with you love. You have changed them both for the better, now I know your wondering how come Axel well that was all you Indigo you choose him as your third mate your powers choose him. Without him your powers will be to much for you to handle he will balance it out always keep him close he will keep you grounded they all will but Axel will feel when your power is overwhelming you now let him help you don't push him away" she says.
  I look at her "how am I to save them I know Axel saw Skye and Theo hurt bad in battle how will I be able to save them both?" I ask her. She grabs my face "oh dear don't worry you wont loose them I promise you. You will know what to do when the time comes trust Axel and yourself" she says. I nod "now the power you felt after that second mark from Axel was needed it keeps you two grounded to each other, your powers are at full power now you must be careful and practice as they all begin to show to you now sleep child your body is tired remember to trust your mates always" she says kissing my head and then I fall into darkness.
  thank you everyone for reading. I hope your enjoying the book so far.

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