Chapter 81 (war part 1)

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    A month has past since we found out we are having a baby pup, we ended up announcing it to the whole pack and the ones helping us out. Everyone was so happy and excited yet afraid because now I must protect myself even more. I made everyone promise they will treat me the same as before just because I'm carrying a baby doesn't mean I'm incapable of doing things. In reality this baby has making my powers even stronger for only being in me for a little over a month now.
    We finished everything we needed to do to get the whole town ready now all we are doing is waiting and keeping up out training.
       It was the middle of the day's training when we heard the sirens go off. Me and all my mates looked at each other then immediately Skye started telling all the ones unable to fight to get to safety that we will come when it's safe. We could hear everyone rushing around as they rush to find safety and help those that need help. All the warriors started handing out weapons to those who want to fight in human form. Those who are stronger im wolf form shift as we head to the the front of the pack house there only way in.
    My mates are all behind me as we walk, some may think it's a sign of weakness for them to behind me but to them it shows how much they trust in me. As we are walking I take a few deep breaths because just around that corner is my father the man that made my life hell for almost my whole life. "Indi baby" I hear Axel say in my head "im okay I promise" I say. "I know just don't let your anger get the best of you" he says, "I'll try my best" I say, "good enough I guess" he says making me smile as we round the corner.
    "Well well if it isn't my good for nothing daughter" I hear an all to familiar voice say. Looking forward my smile drops "well if it isn't the daughter beater" I say back. He looks surprised for a second but changes his face to a pissed off one. "You deserved it all, just a little whore needing to be put in her place" he says making all my mate growl and try to step forward. I place my arms out "no he thinks his words will hurt me but they don't anymore. You no longer scare me father. Your just a man who used his love of a daughter against her to best her down. You used your wife dying out on me your nothing but a broken man who had too much power now father you have none over me" I say.
    He steps forward "no power! Whats this?! Id call this power!" He says as he motions to all the vampires and rouge wolfs around him. In there I see Cora fucking figures. I look away from my father "you are all really going to fight your own kind and the ones you have had nothing but peace with for years all because one human hates his daughter so much he wants her dead?!" I yell out. "Silly daughter they aren't all freaks some are actually human you see they have no choice but to do as we tell them" my father says. A man pulls Cora forward shoving her to the ground in front of my father. She doesn't look happy to see me but at same time she fears my father even more.
    My father grabs her hair hard and yanks her head to the side showing a collar around her neck. He then grabs a tablet from the man and presses a button making Cora scream out. "Shift bitch" he says pressing the button again, with in seconds she shifts panting like crazy from the pain and a forced shift. I look from her to my father he's a fucking monster, Coras wolf looks at me and whimpers. "This is power little girl I control them all as long as they wear these collars they do what I tell them. This little bitch made a mistake coming to me and showing me what is out there. After many deaths we finally came up with this little collar and made her help us find more like her. She was even so kinda as to show me where and how to get the attention of some vampires. We had to kill their leader but in the end they all understood who's in charge now and after today so will you because I made a special one just for you" he says.
    "You a sick freak!" I yell out trying to control my anger. Seconds pass as he presses a button making everyone around him scream then they start charging forward. "Try not to kill them! Get those collars off if you can if they continue to fight after kill them! And someone get that tablet and anymore you can find! Take all human if possible hostage!" I yell out through link "yes luna!" They all yell then charge forward. I look around trying to hunt down my father as I'm knocked down to the grounded. I wrestle with the wolf on top of me and see that is Cora. "Stop this right now Cora your better then this" I say she just growls at me. I throw her off of me "alright you want a fight! Come on then!" I yell at her. She bares down to attack then she leaps into the air but little did she know that was a bad idea. As she comes over top me I move forward grabbing her hind legs as she comes lower pulling her down hard. She lets out a whimper not moving I'm sure I broke something but she wanted this.
    I go forward and look for a way to put the collar off but can't see anything so I pull my knife out and cut it loose. Once I do her body goes limp underneath me "keep fighting you will die choose now" I say hold the knife to her neck. Her body all a sudden shifts back to human form laying under me. "I'll leave please just let me go I'll never come back please" she whimpers out with tears in her eyes. I pull the knife away "good we have an opening in the back for those who want to leave no go and don't come back" I say. I step off of her and away as she shifts and runs away with a limp her arm is at least sprained but will heal soon.
    I look around as the fight goes on all around me my mates are fighting off Vampires and wolfs. I keep hearing that they figured out they need to cut the collars off so no need to let them know. Every vampire they set free has been running off to the back to leave. The rouge's though seem to want to stay and fight mainly the males the females seem to want to just get back to there babies. Finally I spot my father within the mess standing off to one side of the land surrounded by some Vampires and wolfs along with humans. "Im going after my father! Clear the way he's to the south" I say through mind link to my mates.
    I watch as all there heads snap to me then follow where I point my finger. "Got it princess we got them you just get there" Otto says. With that I take off at full sprit grabbing my swards as I run past one the worriers. Everyone but the ones around my father and his friends are no longer collared. As im running im attacked from all sides but I easily take them down enough to be dealt with by someone else. Im nearing the group my mates almost have the last of them taken care off when I see Theo go down hard. "Axel get to Theo! He's hurting bad!" I yell through link as I run past him.   His eyes snap to me as I run past and nods then looks for Theo.
    "Keep him alive as long as you can take what you need from me I'll be fine" I tell him. I know my other mates can hear me too "no Indi you need all your power!" Skye yells. "No he will not die! Do you hear me he will take what he needs to keep him alive Im not loosing any of you I don't cars what that damn scroll said! We need you all! You will do everything it takes do you hear me Axel!" I yell as I stop im front of Skye as he breaks a rouges neck. He turns to me leaning his head on mine "keep that pup and yourself from dying too we can't loose you too" he says in my mind. "I will now protect Theo and Axel please don't let him or any of you die" I say. He nods kisses my head and runs off while I turn and face my father and get ready for whatever he has in store for me.

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