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I had never been happier to return home. I was sick of everything already. As soon as I got off of Erendira, I sat down on the chairs in the pit outback.

"I'm so glad to be home." Aiyanna sits in a neighboring chair.

"You're telling me." Kieran sits besides me, wrapping an arm around me. I feel my cheeks get warm. Willow, Ethan, Kelly and Desiree had entered the house. Aiyanna, Kieran, Daven and I were outside.

"I'm glad it's over. Did you ever let Josiah know about the goons at Las Palomas?" Daven looks at Kieran.

"Yeah. He also says our grandparents and mom are out of the rez. He didn't say where they went." Kieran let out a loud sigh.

"That's useful." Daven says in a sarcastic tone. "They could be anywhere."

"I know right." Kieran shakes his head. He looks back at me.

"Are you okay?" He looks concerned.

"I'm fine." I rub my eyes. I'm getting sleepy. It's a nice day out today.

"'Are you sure?" Kieran looked at me, placing his hand on top of mine.

"It was just a very long and tiring trip, that's all." I lean against the chair.

"You know you can talk to me, right?" Kieran looks at me. I am really tired. Maybe a bit sad, but not everyone has to know that.

"I know. I don't want to bug you with my problems." I lean my head against his. He gently puts his hand under my chin.

"You know you wouldn't bug me, right?" I smile at him.

"I would hope not." I look around. "I think we would get in the house, it's getting dark out and I'm hungry."

"That sounds like a plan." Kieran responds. Everyone gets up and enters the house where Willow is cooking a pot of beans and adding vegetables to it.

"What's for dinner?" I ask Willow.

"Bean soup." She stirs the pot.

"That sounds good." Daven sits down.

"Do you need any help?" I ask Willow.

"Not really." Willow looks at me. "But if you wanted to, you could help set up the table."

"That works." I go to the cupboard and pick up the bowls, setting them besides Willow. Kieran got the silverware and Kelly wiped the table.

"I'm looking forward to that soup. That's Willow's one dish we all love." Kelly looks up at her.

"Aww, that's sweet of you." Willow starts to serve soup in the bowls. The soup smells delicious. We all sit down or stand around with bowls.

"This shit is good." Daven is tearing the soup up and dipping chunks of bread into it. "What did you put in it?"

"Well, I did pinto beans, canned tomato, onion, garlic, a bit of dried cilantro and ham hocks." Willow was serving herself a second bowl.

"That's amazing." He then gulped down the broth. He really must of liked it.

"So, Gerald is having a speech tomorrow at Cornflower Valley." Kieran finishes his soup. "We should probably check that out."

I nod. "Okay, then." This should be fun.Seems like everything goes sideways these days. I miss the days when shine was my only concern.

The next day.......

We rode out to Cornflower Valley. I was wearing a blue shirt, my double bandolier, a long navy ribbon skirt and my riding boots. My hair was in a long braid. I noticed there was a large crowd of people near the stand. There was another man giving a speech on the platform.

"If you elect Brad Stanley for governor of West Rockies, he will turn us into a socialist nation and I'm sure you don't want that, right?"

The crowd booed.

"No commies!" an old man yelled.

"That's fun." Aiyanna wrinkled her nose.

"Alright, enough heckling. Let's get to the next candidate." The current mayor of Cornflower Valley, Leviticus Cassie got on the stage. "This man has been voted as a favorite by many in this town. I present to you, Mr. Gerald Beckner!"

People clap and cheer for him. That's always a good sign, I think to myself sarcastically. Gerald waves at everyone.

"I'm so glad to see you're all here." He spoke to the crowd. They cheered. "I have been hard at work trying to help our fellow citizens out. Unlike other politicians, I do care about the people. That's why I should be the next governor of the West Rockies."

Suddenly a gunshot was heard. Gerald was grabbing his chest and falling to the ground. Everyone instantly started to scream and run around like cattle. Some of the sheriff's officers started shooting at the sniper and others ran to him. A few people quickly ran to Gerald.

"We need to get out of here." I look at my friends. We start to run in a different direction. Ethan falls down, unable to catch up with us.

"Pick him up!" Kieran yells at Daven and Aiyanna. They both half drag and half carry him to our horses. I notice a man running to us. It's Josiah, I think.

"Kieran! Daven!" He stops in front of us.

"What just happened?" Kieran raised his brow.

"Obviously someone tried to murder Beckner. Any idea of who it could have been?" Josiah looks like an older Kieran but slightly paler and a bit overweight.

"No idea. The bandits Kieran told you about are still in jail as far as we know." I shake my head. Maybe Gerald faked the whole thing? I don't know, I'm not a crooked politician.

"You think he faked it?" Daven asked Josiah. He shrugs.

"No idea. It would probably hurt like a bitch to be shot." Josiah shakes his head. "He could simply stage a kidnapping or something if he really didn't want to risk himself dying."

"So now that you're here," Kieran was kicking dirt around. "Where are my mother and grandparents?"

Josiah sighed. "They're on their way to Cornflower Valley. I let them know where you were staying."

Kieran's eyes lit up for a second and then he scowled. "They better." 

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