The Sun Rises

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Thank you for reading! <3

Current time: 4am

The sun rises, it's beams of light shining through the tall trees surrounding Hacketts Quarry Summer Camp.

A night full of trauma for the 7 councilors had finally ended, after what felt like decades of blood, tears, screams and fear.

A real life horror movie, if you will.

- Dylan's Point Of View -

As Dylan makes his way from out of the kitchen, a trusty saucepan firmly held in his one remaining hand, his eyes immediately land apon the shorter female, dressed in a Yellow cropped hoodie, a black long sleeved t-shirt rolled to the elbows and her black leggings.

His nose almost immediately picks up on the strong scent of blood that lingers in the air.

She spins around to face him, as she smiles before scoffing slightly.

"Really, Dylan? A saucepan?"

She remarks with a laugh, as Dylan's eyes travel to the metal kitchen utensil clutched in his sweaty hand.

"Heh.. uh.."

He chuckles in embarrassment before placing it down on the countertop by the lodge door, making his way swiftly towards Kaitlyn and hugging her.

"I'm glad you're okay."

He states with honesty, and he swears she hugs back slightly, before roughly pushing him off of herself.

"I don't do hugs, shithead."

She says with a laugh, as he lifts his one remaining hand as a sign of surrender.

"My bad, my bad."

He grins genuinely for what feels like the first time since the campfire they sat around earlier that night, when he was lucky enough to kiss Ryan.

As he thinks back to earlier, he suddenly remembers how Ryan was eager to dash off with Laura when they were still at the pool house.

Was he okay?

Worries for Ryan's safetly begin to flood his mind, but he's soon distracted once more by the short female stood in front of his tall figure.

"But I'm glad you're good too."

She says with a smile, before noticing Dylan's face, seeming somewhat focussed.

"Hey, you okay bud? What's got you so.. worried?"

She asks with genuine concern, as Dylan tries to brush off the situation slightly.

"It's nothing."

He says as he shakes his hand at her, implying that she should drop the topic before he became too wrapped up in it.

But she didn't.

Kaitlyn would rather him talk about his issues than bottle them up and pretend he was okay, you know, how Dylan usually does.

"Yeah, bullshit. I don't buy it. What's up, Dyl-weed?"

She asks once more, as his lips seperate slightly to let out a sigh.

"It's Ryan.. I don't know. Do you think he's, like... Okay? Or.."

Kaitlyn tilts her head before pursing her lips slightly in thought.

"Just like when you asked at the scrapyard, I have much the same answer. He's a strong guy, I'm sure he's okay. He's not incapable of fending for himself. He's smart. I'm sure he's okay Dylan, so don't worry. Tonight wasn't the last time you'll get to kiss those lips."

Dylan audibly gasps at her response as his jaw drops, causing Kaitlyn to chuckle evilly.


He says, as he brings his hand up to cover his face in embarrassment.

She just continues to laugh, as Dylan shrivels up more in embarrassment at the suggestion.

Word Count: 551 Words

Hey! Thank you for reading the first chapter!

Sorry it's so short, this won't become a regular thing. I just wanted to release one chapter and start the story from there, so here it is! I hope it's alright.

I'm super excited to get started with this story, and so I may post again later, depending on how much time I have on my hands. We'll see.

Anyways, this concludes the first chapter of the story! Yay! I hope you enjoyed, and I hope to see you next chapter!! Goodbye for now! <3

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