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WARNINGS: Self Harm, intrusive thoughts.

- Third Person -

Both Kaitlyn and Dylan had continued to sit apon the second step of the staircase as Abi and Emma were still chatting away in the corner.

Jacob soon left the bathroom, arms wrapped around his clothed self as he seemingly tried to warm himself up.

He made his way over to Dylan and Kaitlyn, who remained in silence, waving his hand before greeting them again.


He says with a shy smile, causing the other two looking up at him to return it.


Dylan replies, as Jacob sits to the other side of him, in the little space that remained.

The three were somewhat pressed together, due to the lack of space on the step they sat on, but none of them particularly minded.

They'd all just been seperated from each other in the most traumatic event of their lives, so none of them cared they were this close. In fact, they were all glad to be so close, the others bodies helping to comfort each of them as they took in everything that had taken place.

The contact was reassuring, in other words, and none of them were remotely bothered by it. It was pleasant to be this close when they'd all been so far apart just a few hours earlier.

Abi and Emma's conversation was the only noise that filled the air as the three teens sat in silence, until an abrupt knock on the door alerted all 5 people in the room.

Their eyes settle on the door ahead of them as it begins to open, Nick's figure appearing stood there with a nervous expression.


His Australian accent is notable in his nervous tone, as he turns his head so that he can see all of the gathered councilors staring back at him.

Abi and Jacob do not hesitate to dash towards him, embracing him in a hug.

Nick let's out an awkward chuckle, as the two hug him tightly, glad to see him again after everything that has happened.

And as Dylan smiles, contented to see Nick back alive, he can't help but feel upset about something.

The others had all reunited with somebody they'd desired to see again.

But Dylan still sat waiting for Ryan to return to them..

Was he even okay?

What if he didn't return??

He couldn't help but let the negative thoughts get to him as he sat watching Nick, Abi and Jacob holding each other in the doorway.

He just wished that it was him and Ryan.

Maybe he'll be back soon, he thought.

Dylan stands up and walks over towards Nick with Kaitlyn and Emma, his face showing a welcoming smile despite the storm of thoughts messing with his brain.

After Summer - RylanWhere stories live. Discover now