The Childhood Best Friend, The Internet Star and The Artist

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- Third Person -

After speaking with Dylan about his worries concerning Ryan's safety, Kaitlyn suggests to the taller male that they should head to somewhere safer; specifically to Mr Hacketts office, which contains both Emma and Abi, of whom Kaitlyn had earned the silver bullets from earlier to be able to put an end to the werewolf that attempted to attack the pair.

The pair stand in Mr Hacketts office, as Dylan leans down to hold open the trap door with his hand, signalling for Kaitlyn to climb down using his stump.

"Ladies first."

Dylan says with a smirk, causing Kaitlyn to smile at him.

"Such a gent."

She says jokingly, as she makes her way down the ladder slowly, shotgun now slung over her shoulders.

After she had made her way safely down to the bottom, Dylan placed his foot apon the first step, panic setting in slightly.

How the fuck was he going to get down??

"Ah, fuck.."

He mutters under his breath, craning his neck so that his head was instead supporting the heavy door, so he could use his right arm to move himself down the ladder.

As he wraps his left wrist as well as he can around the side of the ladder, he slowly steps downward, the door above him crashing loudly when it harshly hit the floor due to Dylan's head no longer supporting it, the nosie causing the male to flinch.

Kaitlyn, Abi and Emma rush over due to the unexpected noise.

"Shit! Dylan, you good?"

Kaitlyn shouts up at him, and he looks down with a smirk.


He replies simply, struggling as he slowly makes his way down the ladder.

As his feet touch the floor, and he is officially off the ladder, Emma runs towards him and hugs her.

"Good to see you!"

She says with a smile, as he hugs back.

"You too. Glad you're both safe."

He replies, as him and Emma stop hugging and he embraces Abi as well.

It's only when they pull away from the hug that Abi inquires about Dylan's injury.

"Dylan, are you okay?"

She asks him, having seemingly remembered when he had it amputated earlier that night.

He raises his wrist of which his hand was seperated from, glancing at it briefly before twirling it around a bit to spectate it from all angles.

"Oh this? Yeah. Well- I mean, no, but you know. It's whatever."

He replies simply, as he lets it flop back to his side.

Abi sends him a pitied look, at which he smiles greatfully at her for, before looking toward the floor.

- Timeskip -

After Summer - RylanWhere stories live. Discover now