Phone call

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- Dylan's POV -

His heart beat at a rapid rate as his phone screen lit up with Ryan's caller ID, vibrating in his hand. He takes a deep breath in, biting his bottom lip softly in hopes to ground himself a little.

It was just a phonecall from Ryan. Why was he so damn nervous?

With a few more deep breaths, his thumb swiped up on the green phone and the call had begun. The pair sat in around a 5 second silence before Ryan broke it with a quiet whisper.


Dylan hears him ask, and he can't help his lips from tugging up into a smile due to the sound of the others voice coming from his phone. It had been too long since he'd last heard it.

"Hey man!"

He greets back, smile never leaving his soft lips. He was happy to be in this moment.

"Hey. How have you been?"

The other man asks, causing Dylan to chuckle softly before replying.

"Yeah, I haven't been too bad."

He soon drops the smile though, remembering the true reason the pair were on the phone.

"But let's get serious for a second. I'm all ears, okay? Spill what you need to, and I'll give input if you desire."

Ryan stays silent, but Dylan assumes he understands, as he soon begins to speak softly.

"I-I just.. I don't even know. I have so much I want to say but I don't know how to, you know?"

Dylan nods in understanding, before realising the other male can't see him, so he vocalises it instead.

"Yeah, man. Just take your time, okay?"

Ryan hums in understanding, before asking a question.

"Hey, if you're comfortable with it, can we video call? I just.. I guess it'll help me, I don't know."

Dylan smiles to himself, before placing his phone beside him to run his fingers through his hair and make sure he looks semi presentable.

"Of course! If it helps you!"

The pair change to a video call, and Dylan is now sat at his desk, his phone supported by his monitor as he sits in his desk chair opposite.

Ryan was sat on his floor, legs crossed. He was clothed in an oversized black hoodie and some black sweatpants, and his fingers lay in his lap, slightly emerging from the cuffs of his hoodie sleeves as his fingers gently meet as he plays with them, eyes seeming to focus on something to his right.

Dylan was instantly in awe of his beauty, but tried to keep his mind from wandering as he made sure to stay focussed on the issue at hand.

Ryan's lips part softly, as if he's about to speak, but he soon closes them again as his face seems to be deeper in thought.

Dylan just sits in his chair, looking at Ryan on his phone screen as he patiently awaits the male to start speaking.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2023 ⏰

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