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Author's Note: Welcome to this new fanfic, which is a collab between us and our youngest sister/bestest friend who goes by the name RexaTheCuteTiger here on Wattpad. :P

Updates will (hopefully) be every week on Saturday. :)

~ Amina Gila

Ahsoka's heart is pounding as the speeder she, Lux, and Artoo are trying to escape in zooms across the snow-covered landscape of Carlac. She can sense danger flaring through the Force just as an explosion rips through the ground in front of them, partly striking the speeder. Artoo squeals in alarm as the whole thing shakes, knocking Ahsoka over.

She looks up to see three members of Death Watch flying towards them, and they immediately open fire on her. Without wasting a second, she ignites her lightsabers and deflects the blaster bolts, sending one back at one of the three warriors. The person falls out of sight, and moments later, there's an explosion in the distance. But she doesn't have time to think about it.

One of the other two flies towards her so fast that she doesn't have time to react as she's tackled, lightsabers falling from her hands. A firm grip on her neck cuts off her air, effectively strangling her, and Artoo whistles angrily, doing something she can't see to distract the warrior. The second the helmet turns, Ahsoka Force shoves the Mandalorian away, and he — she? — flies through the air, crashing somewhere in one of the snowbanks behind them with a mighty explosion.

"That's two I owe you," Ahsoka groans to Artoo, rubbing her neck with a wince.

The last one lands on the back of the speeder in front of her, firing twice. Ahsoka scrambles to her feet and dodges out of the way, using the Force to shove the warrior's arm aside. The warrior lunges forwards, slamming a fist into the Togruta's head. They exchange blows in a deadly fast-paced duel before a sudden punch throws Ahsoka off balance, nearly knocking her right off the back of the moving speeder. She catches onto the edge of it, struggling to pull herself back up.

The warrior prepares to fire at her, but Lux jerks the speeder back and forth. She struggles to keep her balance, and Ahsoka uses the distraction to flip herself back onto the speeder. They throw several punches back and forth, before Ahsoka kicks the final Mandalorian backwards. He stumbles a few steps, and the Togruta raises her hands, Force-throwing the warrior backwards off the speeder.

Right before the warrior crashes into the snow below, he fires a blaster shot after them which misses spectacularly. Ahsoka balances precariously on the back of the speeder, watching for any more pursuers. None come.

Minutes later, they arrive at the location where they left their ship. Without wasting any time, they rush onto it, and Ahsoka fires up the engines, blasting away from the planet as quickly as she can. She doesn't miss how tense Lux looks as he sits in the seat next to her, and part of her mind drifts back to what happened in the tent. She knows that Lux only kissed her to prevent her from accidentally revealing herself to the Death Watch warriors who were entering the tent, but still...

She doesn't think it was until that moment that she truly realized what this strange... feeling she has towards Lux is. It's not quite like how she's cared for anyone before, even though she hasn't known him long.

She doesn't want to lose him, and though she may wish to deny it, she cares for him deeply. Too deeply even. Why does this have to be so incredibly hard? Why can't they just be together like they want to be? Lux didn't say it, but she could tell from the look in his eyes.

"Ahsoka, I can't go with you," he says quietly as she guides the shuttle further away. "You know that."

She closes her eyes against the onslaught of emotions. She knew this was coming, but that doesn't make it any less hard to hear. "But we can try... Try to change things together," she protests weakly, giving him a desperate look.

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