Chapter 16 - Together

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Author's Note: Aaand... this story comes to a close. :') Thank you all so much for reading, voting, and/or commenting! :D

~ Amina Gila

Being here with Obi-Wan – the only other conscious person even around – is a million kinds of awkward. It reminds her of the occasional times in the war together when Anakin was injured, and both of them stayed near him as long as they could. Until he woke up, or duties pulled them away. It isn't during the Clone Wars anymore, though. They are long past that.

She doesn't really know what to think of Obi-Wan anymore. At the end of the day, it was what he did in the Hardeen incident that made her start questioning everything. She won't blame her or Anakin's choices on him but that is still what triggered the beginning of it. And of course, there was when she was framed, when the only person who stood by her was Anakin.

But there's still a small part of her that has missed how things used to be with everyone. Those times are past, though.

She does her best to avoid him at first, because she doesn't even know what to say, and from the looks of it, he's feeling just as uncomfortable. But there's only so long she can pretend to be busy fussing over Anakin, Rex, and the other boys, before the medical droids kick her out.

"What are you going to do now?" Ahsoka asks finally, simply because the silence is becoming intolerable.

"What are you going to do? You are still a Sith," he replies, and she doesn't miss the underlying note of hostility.

"Just because I'm a Sith, that doesn't mean I supported what Sidious was doing," she snaps.

"Then why join him?"

Her temper flares instantly. "Did you not see enough of Sidious?" she hisses, "We couldn't just leave. Sidious will stop at nothing to keep Anakin with him. We came to help you, risking everything as soon as we could."

He doesn't argue the point, thankfully. "I was in contact with Senator Amidala," he comments, "She said the Empire now goes to Anakin."

"Yes, it does," Ahsoka agrees, trying to tone down on her anger.

"I can't imagine he'll be appreciative of that, unless his opinion on politics has changed," Obi-Wan comments.

No, not likely. She can't even imagine Anakin as Emperor. But Padme... "I imagine he'll hand it over to Padme, but I couldn't say."

Obi-Wan looks as though he's considering saying something else but decides better of it. It's awkward because it's like they don't know each other anymore. They only knew each other for the better part of three years, and they were never close. Now... it's more like they're awkward acquaintances. Maybe she'll just leave any further discussions about any of this for Anakin. He's the one who knew Obi-Wan for thirteen years, after all. It should be easier for the two of them. Probably.


Anakin is mildly surprised when Obi-Wan comes in to see him right after he wakes up – he honestly thought his former master wouldn't care to. Or that he'd simply feel too uncomfortable, or something, but he's here.

"Obi-Wan?" Anakin rasps, pushing himself up as best he can. He's exhausted but he can still move. The aftereffects of being electrocuted that badly are going to last for a while, and he knows he has a lot of new scars from it. Not that that's really a concern right now.

"How are you feeling?" Obi-Wan asks, moving to stand next to his bedside. His expression is far more closed off than it used to be, but he sounds genuinely concerned.

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