Chapter 3 - Front Runners

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"I think they're ready to give the 501st some competition," Anakin remarks with a smirk as he, Obi-Wan, Ahsoka, and Rex walk down the street together. They spent the day constantly on the move, observing as the rebels attacked the droids throughout the city. They gathered briefly to discuss the situation, determining that they need to hit something bigger before heading out again. And now it's time for Anakin, Obi-Wan, and Rex to return to Coruscant.

"Let's not get carried away, General, though these rebels have impressed me," Rex replies dryly.

"We will share the developments with the Jedi Council," Obi-Wan decides, "Ahsoka will remain here as an advisor. Monitor them and report back with their progress."

"Are you up for it, Snips?" Anakin asks, resting a hand on her shoulder. "Or would you like to return to Coruscant?"

He's pretty sure she'd rather be here, but he has to be certain. He has to make sure she'll be alright. Yes, she's perfectly competent on the battlefield, but this is a completely different situation, and she's not fighting side by side with clones either. And he's not sure what's going to happen between Ahsoka and Lux. He knows they have feelings for each other, but he's not sure if Ahsoka wants their relationship to go that far right now. It would at least help if someone else was with her to guide her.

"No, Master, I want to stay," Ahsoka decides almost immediately.

"Good," he says. As long as she's sure she'll be alright here, he won't concern himself too much. He'll worry for her, of course, as it's his duty, but he'll let her stay without argument. "You will be... alright?"

Ahsoka looks up, meeting his eyes for a moment, and he knows she can tell that he knows what's going on with them. "I'll be fine, Master," she promises.

"Alright." He squeezes her shoulder lightly in comfort, before stepping away. For a moment, this almost reminds him of when he was sent off with Padme while Obi-Wan went to Kamino. And he can't help but wonder if this is going to have similar results. Ahsoka is young to be making decisions like that, though. She has her whole life ahead of her, and he knows she... may not be thinking all that clearly, the same way he wasn't when he pursued things with Padme.

He's not against Ahsoka pursuing.... a family, but it means she'll never be a Jedi. Anakin has never been a good one and he knows it – the guilt of having broken the Code so deeply and irreparably bothers him frequently, even if he knows if not for his marriage and having something like that to look forward to, he wouldn't be able to keep going so long like he has – but this is a decision she will have to make herself.

He trusts her ability to make decisions, though. They can talk about it when the mission is over. He'd address it now, but Obi-Wan is right here, and...

"We should continue to provide supplies and credits, but they must learn to operate on their own. Their survival depends on it," Obi-Wan asserts.

"Yes, Master," Ahsoka acknowledges.

"Remember your purpose," reminds Anakin. He knows she will; he has faith in her, but she needs to remember not to let her feelings distract her. Ahsoka nods before he turns to head off with Obi-Wan and Rex, hoping this is the right decision.


The next day went surprisingly well. They took out the power generator to make a point to both the people of Onderon and the Separatist puppets in control that the planet belongs to the people. Ahsoka hopes they'll be able to handle any potential backlash, while continuing to build momentum. While the group was discussing the situation, everyone voted in Steela as their new official leader.

"Hey Ahsoka, can I talk to you?" Lux inquires finally, breaking the awkward silence hanging in the room after Saw stormed only minutes ago upon hearing that everyone wanted Steela as a leader instead of him. Steela has already gone out to find him after telling Ahsoka that he is her brother. Their interactions vaguely reminds her of herself and Anakin in a way.

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