Chapter 13 - The Inquisitors

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When the Senators from the group of Two Thousand gather again, the group is far smaller. No one says so, but Lux knows it's because they don't know who all they can trust. The only ones here now are Bail, Padme, Mothma, and a few others. They all know that they can't sit back quietly while Palpatine destroys the galaxy like this.

He may claim that it's going to be democratic, but Lux saw enough of that with the Separatists. He won't fall for it again.

And then, of course, there was what happened with the Jedi. Legally, they may have committed treason and action had to be taken against them – although he still thinks he's missing something huge here, especially given that he doesn't like Palpatine in the first place – but there's no way all of them could have been guilty. It's worse that Palpatine did have the legal authority to order their mass execution, because of the emergency powers he was given throughout the war.

Joining the Republic had seemed like the right thing, but now, Lux has to wonder again. They brought Onderon right under the control of an Empire. He's not going to say so publicly, but maybe the actions the Gerreras are taking back on Onderon already is for the best. They're already rebelling, and he has to say he silently supports it, even if he can show nothing publicly.

Maybe they can take action in the Senate, but he doesn't know.

He knows something's clearly troubling Ahsoka, not as if that's a surprise. With everything that just happened, there's no way it couldn't be. She's usually a lot more open about how she's feeling, though, so he wonders for a moment – but no. If there's anything else, Ahsoka will come to him when she's ready. She always does, and she probably doesn't want the issue to be pushed.

He doesn't know where things are going to go with the Empire, but he knows whatever happens, Ahsoka is going to stand with him. She may have chosen to stand with the Chancellor instead, for now, but in truth, that was the only wise decision, given the situation. It was the legally right choice, whether she agrees with him or not. And trying to assassinate Palpatine is not right, regardless of the reason. He should be put on trial, not just outright murdered. Again, Lux doesn't know all the details.

But he knows if things come to a fight, Ahsoka will be with him, fighting back-to-back the way they did on Onderon, and Carlac before that, when their relationship truly began.

And he's sure Anakin will join them, too. It makes the conversation on how to handle the Empire just the slightest bit easier.


It's only a couple weeks later when they accompany Sidious to a place in the Works, something about some new project of his. Ahsoka has a distinctly wary feeling about this.

They follow Sidious through the building, to a railing that overlooks a large training room. Down below, there's about half a dozen figures with red lightsabers gathered. She doesn't recognize any of them – except one.

A much too familiar red and black Zabrak.


What?! What's he doing here?!

"Most were slaves of the Light Side once," Sidious declares, "But now they are mine. Hunters, one and all."

"Who do they hunt?" Anakin asks, cautiously.

"Jedi, of course."

"Why is Maul here?" Ahsoka blurts without thinking.

"He was once my apprentice," Sidious replies, "His skills are still... useful, even if he is no longer worthy of that status. He is now the Grand Inquisitor."

Does that mean they're going to be working with Maul now?!

"Tano will join the ranks of the Inquisitors," he continues. Hey wait, when did she agree to that? She keeps quiet, though. It's not as if he cares for her opinion. "And you will train them, Lord Vader. They all have much to learn. Make them a blade that will cut the Jedi infection from the galaxy once and for all.

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