Chapter 8 - Returning Home

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Author's Note: Enjoy ROTS. *wicked grin*

~ Amina Gila

It's been five months. Five months since he was last here on Coruscant, able to see the rest of his family in person. He was beginning to wonder if he would come back, until the war was over which still seemed to have no end in sight. He can't believe that he's really here again.

As soon as the initial crowd there to greet Palpatine starts to disperse, Anakin spots a familiar figure pushing her way towards him. "Anakin!" Ahsoka squeals, all but throwing herself into his arms.

Force, she's grown so much. Yes, he saw it on their holocalls, but seeing it in person is different.

"You're tall," Anakin observes, wrapping his arms around her, pulling her close. He's missed her so much. It's good to be back, more than he could say, even if he doesn't know for how long.

Ahsoka shifts to look up at him, a smirk on her face. "Soon, I'll be taller than you."

"No, you won't be," Anakin insists, "The top of your montrals don't count."

"It absolutely counts," Ahsoka retaliates, "No need to be scared."

"I am not scared."

"Uh-huh! You are. Because then I won't be little to you anymore."

"You'll always be little to me," he shoots back, "Even if you are taller."

"I'm almost an adult!"

"You're only seventeen."

"Almost an adult. See?" she repeats stubbornly, grinning.

"I missed you," Anakin murmurs. So much. He didn't even realize how much until this moment.

"I missed you too... Dad."

A rush of adoration runs through him, and he reaches up, rubbing a hand along her lekku, in the way that she hates when anyone but him touches it.

"Padme's waiting to see you," Ahsoka says when they pull apart, "You might want to go while you still can. And she has a surprise."

Anakin raises an eyebrow. "A surprise?" What's that supposed to mean?

"You'll see," Ahsoka says, grinning devilishly. She's radiating a strange sense of excitement and nervousness that he thought had to do with the fact that he was back, but suddenly he thinks it might have to do with whatever this 'surprise' is, too. What is going on?

Clearly, she has no intention of spilling, though, so Anakin doesn't press, and instead makes his way further into the Senate building. He runs right into Lux before he gets much farther down the hall.

"Master Skywalker," the boy greets, brightening, "I was wondering when you would come back."

"It's good to see you, Lux," Anakin replies, nodding.

"So, Dooku's really dead?" Lux asks.

"He is," Anakin confirms.

"I have to say, I'm relieved he was brought to justice," Lux replies, "After what he did to my mother." It wasn't justice that Anakin killed him in cold blood when he was defenseless, but he doesn't say that. He doesn't want to think about it right now. Palpatine had given him a direct order, and he could hardly disobey it, especially not when he knows how dangerous it would be if Dooku escaped again.

Anakin nods, giving Lux a small smile. "And hopefully the war will be over soon." He'd already heard Palpatine saying it wouldn't happen until Grievous is captured, so he can only hope that it won't take long for that to happen, too. Now, time to go find Padme. And see what this surprise is.

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