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THE FIRST THING I knew I needed to do was get out of the city. With my face being plastered all over the news, there was no doubt that anyone in Phoenix would recognize me. For all I knew, there were even wanted posters covering every convenience store window.

My car was no longer parked in the driveway, probably confiscated during the crime scene investigation. I would have to either take a bus or taxi, or actually walk on foot.

All had their cons, like the amount of people who could recognize me on the bus, and a taxi was even closer quarters with a driver who would see my face.

I was sure the police notified any bus and taxi drivers to keep an eye on who they're transporting, so they can report or keep hostage of me if I try to run. If I took the metro, I might be arrested before we even stopped.

I knew I had the option to glamour myself to look like a completely different person, but I had only done it once and it was for a short time. I didn't know if I'd be able to hold it, and if I lost that glamour in front of a crowd, how could I explain that? I'd be chained to a table in a science lab before I could say frostbite.

I guessed walking would have to be the start until I could assess the situation I was truly in.

Slipping out of the house and into the night, I slowly looked around the area. We never had neighbors on Hollow Road, only surrounded by trees, so as long as there were no surveillance cameras on the house I could get away from here with ease.

The yellow police tape surrounding the house lightly fluttered in the wind and gave me a chill down my spine. It really felt as if I was the star in a murder crime movie, only in this version my character was wrongly accused.

I never could have even imagined in my wildest dreams that this would become a situation in my life. That I would kill the boy I crushed on for so long, learn I was a faery with frozen powers, that my real parents were dead and someone wanted me to be too, and that I was a princess who became queen. Ever since that night it felt like I was stuck in a dream and couldn't wake up from it.

When would this all be over? I just wanted to have my crown, and my people to be safe. I wanted to spend the rest of my life with Calder. I wanted Sylvi gone for good so everyone could no longer live in fear. So much just felt out of my reach. If I could find Sverdet, if she was truly still alive, would she help us?

A cold sensation suddenly hit my chest and I saw Calder's pendant start to glow again. It was like a signal to me not to keep standing exposed in the open and get moving.

Go Eerika. Go.

Ducking under the police tape I started on a sprint towards the woods, leaving my residential area for the very last time and making my way towards the city.

Ducking under the police tape I started on a sprint towards the woods, leaving my residential area for the very last time and making my way towards the city

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I could feel my stomach growling deep in my pit the closer I got towards the liveliness of the city. I hadn't eaten since before the ball, and I knew I would need to stock up on rations. Who knew how far I would have to travel.

Iron Queen - Clan of the Rim Chronicles #3Where stories live. Discover now