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A/N: I'm sorry this chapter took so long to write...This has been the hardest chapter I've wrote to date, the writer's block was unbearable. It's really bad and boring and I'm sorry. My writing just isn't what it used to be since I've been away...I promise the story will get better as we go, at least I hope. This was mainly just a filler chapter anyway until the plot can really start. Just bear with me, please :(


MAGGIE PULLED UP TO the entrance of the station and looked around for any unsuspecting fey walking about. She looked up at me in the rear rearview mirror, and I could've swore her reflected irises momentarily flashed the same bright blue as the frost fey of Vinter.

"Alright, get out."

Grabbing my stuff and the trash from all my eaten food I slipped out of the patrol car with my hood over my head. Maggie rolled down her window to bid me goodbye, and I gave her my thanks one last time.

"Thank you for everything, Magnhild, truly."

Magnhild paused, giving a small bow of her head. "I did it for the crown, Your Majesty. And for Magnus. He was a friend to his people, and that I'll never forget."

I nodded in return, my heart feeling heavy for her but I knew there was nothing I could do for her right now. I had to make everything right first before I could be of help to my people like Magnus was.

I quickly turned and started for the ticket and waiting entrance of the bus stop, but halted when Maggie called my name.

"Eerika, wait!"

I faced her again and witnessed her somber yet uneasy expression. "When all of this is finally over...can I really return home?"

I gave her an assuring smile and confident gaze. "Yes. I promise you Magnhild, when I destroy the iron queen once and for all and become the one and true ruler, I will allow everyone who was wrongly banished back into the realm. I will make everything right."

Maggie seemed to like that answer, and with those final words I turned and left her sight to which she drove off into the night.

I felt a sense of guilt hit my stomach as my mind played over the words I said to her. It was the first promise I had made to a subject outside of the Vinter realm. I knew I had the authority to bring everyone back to the realm who had been wrongfully cast out, but I still didn't know what kind of realm there was going to be to come back to. After Sylvi's reign of terror, would there be enough life left of the realm to rebuild? And I had already made a promise as well that I would finally kill her and end it, but I couldn't be completely sure even in my hopes and imaginations that I would be able to do so. I didn't ever want to be a queen who made promises to her she couldn't keep. I used to have the confidence that I could kill Sylvi and save the realm when I thought all I needed was a sword. But now I was after a faery who I might never actually find, and all I had to go on was an urban legend that she could be the one to defeat the iron queen. It all felt hopeless and crazy to me. But whatever I had to do, or however far I had to go, I would try until my last breath.

I quickly bought a bus ticket and waited for it to arrive within a crowd of unsuspecting passengers. I kept my head down with my hood still shrouding my glamoured face, but I was still gaining a few curious and suspicious glances for good reason. What normal person wouldn't suspect anyone who looked as shady as I did with these clothes and backpack accompanied by my low-profiled demeanor?

Suddenly out of the corner of my eye I noticed a police officer walking slowly around the bus terminal, keeping eye of his surroundings and on guard for any issue that might arise. My heart began pounding in my ears and I could feel my glamour slightly flicker.

Iron Queen - Clan of the Rim Chronicles #3Where stories live. Discover now