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I GOT OFF THE bus seven hours later and immediately jumped into my plan to track down Jessi. I knew that based on our previous converations about our futures after our senior year that she would be starting an early semester at college before the fall enrollees started hoarding in. Her UCLA sweatshirt was another indicator of that as well.

The time was now 6 a.m., and I knew that soon morning classes would be starting at the college. If I could find Jessi within the mass of classroom and dormitory space and get her alone to talk, then I could ask for her help. But would she really want to see me? I knew there had to be some sincerity in her words from the broadcast, she had been my best friend all my life after all.

But could I trust her one-hundred percent now that she was involved in the investigation of Hanir, Linnea, and Blane's deaths? If I showed up, would she call the police on me despite saying she believed that I was innocent and that she would help me to clear my name? And the world of the fey. . .how would she handle such a shock as that? Would she believe me if I told her all about the new world I had been in the past 3 Earthly months? No one ever told me how the humans reacted when they met the fey for the first time all those centuries ago. But it was a much different time then. The ephemeral world was new and pure, like something from A Midsummer Night's Dream, and the existence of magic was something normal to everyone. These days, in the 21st century, if someone untrustworthy with bad intentions were to find out about what I was, I would be captured and probed and shown off to the world for money and power. . .

I knew better of Jessi in this instance. If she did believe me, she wouldn't tell anyone about my blood or of the Vinter realm. I assumed her to be scared of me more than anything in all honesty. Once she found out that I did kill Blane on accident with my powers, that might put the nail in my coffin right there in my quest to implore her help. But with no other options in my grasp at this very moment, I knew all I could do was just try. If she wanted nothing to do with me thereafter, I would understand. My world now was nothing she could ever fully understand or be a part of forever. . .

Still withholding my glamour I took a taxi near the bus terminal I had been dropped at and had the driver take me to UCLA. I would have to look for a back entrance to sneak through without being seen on camera. My heart was already pounding with adrenaline and nerves from the fear of being caught by campus officers or staff. I could attempt at glamouring myself with a new look to match an unsuspecting student, but I was already feeling even weaker from keeping up the one I had since I came back.

With no food or water in my system right now accompanied by no sleep and the heat of the city making my icy powers feel drained as well, I was starting to worry how much longer I really could keep this disguise going. Once I found Jessi and we were alone, I could finally let it go for a moment and let my powers rest if she would be understanding of my situation.

My stomach growled and brought me out of my thoughts, making me groan to myself and sink down into the taxi seat. The food choices in Vinter were much to be desired to someone who lived in a world of fast food for 17 years, but right now I couldn't explain how badly I missed it. The thought made me wonder if Calder had any food or water wherever he was. Would he come back to me skin and bones as he had when I rescued him from Sylvi's clutches? My heart pinged with pain, and I clutched his snowflake tight to my chest.

Where are you, Calder? Are you really ok? Please, just hurry up and find me. I can't do this all without you.

After a while of being lost in my thoughts the taxi stopped and I was abruptly alerted by the driver that we had arrived at the college.

"Hey, girl! Get your head out of the clouds, we're here."

Jumping up I quickly fumbled with my backpack to give him the money that was owed and got out of the car before he could make any inquisitions.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22 ⏰

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