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" what is it about this garden that has such a hold on you , i remember you frequented it in our youth?". Aemond asked as we strolled pass the many beautifully decorated flowers
" I would come here when I was younger to find peace , a lot troubled me when I was a girl , things I've made peace with since ". I told
" things such as...." He trailed off insinuating further elaboration
" when I was a girl I often wondered of the gods , so many faiths to believe in , I often thought the gods were a way to give answer to question, I questioned a lot, I questioned myself, who I was ? Who I wanted to be ? why I am the way that I am? I thought of my family . I could never find a place where I seemed to fit , my own father praised the very interests I had but looked down upon me a girl for having them. whilst my brothers and him fought battle after battle I was left with a mere handful of memories with the man who could call me his daughter ". I told
" do you resent your father? " Aemond asked there was a small silence before I answered
" no , there was a time when his approval was all I had sought, I had great dreams of joining him in battle , then there came a time of resentment, though fleeting, then soon came realization that for reasons that are not known to me and through no fault of my own he was unable to be what I needed and I him, that is fine , luckily I have found more then enough love and acceptance through others." I answered
" my sister , uncle and nephews", he spoke
" and my aunt Rhaenys , my uncle lord Corlys , my hand maiden Amera they love me and I them time and time again it is proven , I've experienced more love at my age then most get to in their entire life time with all this love I have to fill my heart what room is there for resentment ", I told
" what of romantic love?" He asked
" are you asking if I've ever experienced it? " I questioned
" yes" he answered
" no , I've not , never that kind of love ", I told
" do you wish to ?" He asked
" I never longed for it , I couldn't say why , most girls my age had a boy they could recall being taken by once before but it just never happened, though I will say that if I ever do get to experience it I'd wish for it to be you". I told I watched as a smile formed on his face as he turned from me for a brief moment
" i wish for that as well ". He told
" enough about me what about you , anything I don't already know we've been separated for five years I'm sure you've plenty to tell", I said
" I've trained by the sword , I spend my time reading philosophy, riding my dragon, anything else is just unpleasantness", he said
" what of the unpleasantness?" I asked seeing if he maybe wanted to share his experience