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They talked and drank for another hour before they noticed that Nicole and Kai had never come back from their last trip to the bar.

"Maybe I should go check on them?" Jungkook said scooting toward Ari as if he wanted to get out of the booth.

She looked at him like he had grown two heads. "What?"

"You're serious?" She seemed stunned that he would even suggest such a thing.

"Is your friend an ax murderer or something?"

"What? No, I just mean they've been gone for a while."

"I want to make sure he's fine."

"I'm his ride so if he's ready to go, I need to find him."

This time she laughed out loud.

"Trust me, they're fine."

"How do you know?"

"They're probably doing it in the bathroom or something."

"Don't worry about them, I don't think she'll hurt him too badly."

She laughed as she said it but Jungkook got the feeling there was something she wasn't telling him.

"Speaking of, I need to use the loo. I'll be right back."

While she was gone, Jungkook quickly sent a text to Kai to tell him he was ready to leave.

Ari was really sweet and very pretty but he didn't feel an attraction to her.

Just as she returned from the restroom, Jungkook got a reply text from Kai.


"Oh, I guess Nicole is gonna drive Kai home so I should probably get going."

"I need to get up early tomorrow It was really great to meet you."

"Can I get you anything else before I leave?"

He was suddenly anxious to get out of there, He just wanted to go to bed and wallow for another few weeks or months before trying this single thing again.

"God! That's so typical. I came with her and now she's ditching me again. I don't know why I ever let her drive." She dug into her purse looking for her phone.

After trying three times to reach Nicole, she gave up and looked over at Jungkook.

"Oh yeah, of course."

"I'll give you a lift, Let's go."

Over the course of a few hours, he'd only had a few beers so he felt pretty comfortable driving but as soon as they left the bar, a police cruiser pulled out behind him and followed at a fairly close distance.

"Fuck, I cannot get stopped."

"How far is your place?"

He was trying to sober up by rolling down the windows and crunching breath mints.

He had never watched his speedometer so intently in his life.

"Just a few blocks away, You'll be fine. Just don't run a red light and you're good."

She didn't seem worried but it wasn't her license or her job, on the line.

Jungkook worked as a parts runner for a local electronics store and would be fired if he got a DUI.

"That building on the left."

"Just pull in behind the red car and you can come in for a few minutes, I'll make you some coffee." she offered.

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