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When he got to the apartment, the door was propped open and there were at least twenty-five people crammed into the great room.

The music was blaring and every one had a drink in their hand so Jungkook casually walked toward the breakfast bar to check out the selection of liquor.

He didn't want to worry about driving home so he had taken a cab.

He figured it was worth the cash to not have to crash on the couch if he didn't find anyone to hook up with.

Feeling liberated by not needing to drive, he poured a double shot of Jack and added a splash of Coke.

He had just swallowed a mouthful when he felt someone nudge his arm from behind.

"Hey, you made it." When he turned around, he saw Jimin standing up and fully dressed.

He almost didn't recognize him as the half naked video game zombie from the other night.

"Hey Jimin. Yeah, figured I'd stop by for a bit. Where's Ari?" Jimin flinched slightly at the question but quickly recovered his friendly smile and motioned to the other side of the room.

"I think she's talking to a few people by the TV. I'm sure she'll be happy to see you."

Jungkook excused himself and wandered toward the TV, There was a crowd of people hunched over the coffee table and when he got closer, he saw they were playing quarters with tequila.

Jungkook had a love/hate relationship with tequila.

He loved it until he went to Cava for spring break his freshman year and has hated it ever since.

He kneeled down beside Ari and quickly congratulated her on her job. He wanted to make sure he got credit for showing up, just in case he didn't see her again for the rest of the night.

But, by the way she was already slurring her words at ten o'clock.

He was pretty confident she wouldn't remember much by morning.

He made a quick pass over the appetizer table then settled on the sofa next to a group of people that he recognized from school.

They immediately brought him into their conversation and he learned they were all Jimin's friends.

Apparently, Jimin was a grad student that taught several engineering classes they were in.

Jungkook didn't have any kind of programming classes, which explained why he'd never seen Jimin on campus.

Jungkook was studying business so he could open up an automotive fabrication shop someday.

He loved all things car related and wanted to do something useful with his passion.

When Jimin finally came by to see his friends, he seemed happy that Jungkook was with them.

He offered to get everyone another drink.

When Jimin returned with Jungkook's fourth drink of the night, Jimin sat down on the corner of the table closest to him.

Jimin leaned forward with his elbows on his knees and listened to the conversations around him.

"So, how's it going?" he asked Jungkook.

"Good Thanks, What about you? Did you win that tourney?"

"No, I made it to the semi-finals but I was a bit distracted towards the end so I bailed."

"I do these like once a month so it's not a big deal."

"Shit, I know you had some cash riding on it."

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