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Jungkook did pass out.

He was probably only asleep for a few hours when the sun started to filter into the room and he cracked an eyelid.

He saw a wall of brown in front of his face and was startled by the unfamiliar view, He sat up quickly and leaned back away from the cushions of the couch.

Just as he realized where he was and what was happening, he landed on the wood floor with a thud.

Fortunately, or unfortunately, his tailbone took the brunt of the fall and his head barely touched the ground.


The sound of muffled laughter reminded him that he was in a stranger's home.

He looked toward the sound and saw Jimin holding back his laughter while trying to keep his attention on the game.

"You okay? That sounded like it hurt."

"I'm fine, You're still playing?"

"What time is it?"

Jungkook only planned to sleep for an hour or two but he must have slept through the night.

He was digging around for his phone when his alarm went off.

"Shit. It's eight? I've gotta go."

"I can't be late again."He jumped up and slipped on his shoes.

He didn't even stop to go to the bathroom.

"Hey can you tell Ari I said thanks, I don't want to wake her up and I've really got to go."

"You should probably tell her yourself."

"Just give her a call later."

"I don't have her number but can you just give her my number and ask her to text me?" He scribbled his name and number on the back of a receipt he found on the breakfast bar.

Jungkook ran out of the building and to his car like his life depended on it.

When he got to his apartment he quickly changed into a clean shirt put on some deodorant and grabbed his laptop.

He hated physics and really needed to stay on the professor's good side if he had any hope of passing the class.

When Jungkook showed up to work the next afternoon he got the version of what happened between Kai and Nicole.

Apparently, they both had black labs named Duke and that was some kind of sign from God that they should hook up.

Jungkook was pretty shocked that Kai would do something like that when he claimed to love Allie so much.

But, he wasn't one to judge.

He just wanted to live his life and let other people live theirs.

"So, tell me about Ari."

" If she's anything like her friend, I'm surprised you're not still limping." Jungkook knew Kai wouldn't let him get away without details.

"There isn't much to tell."

"We hung out for a while and I gave her a ride home, since her friend ditched her and then I spent the night."

Obviously, Kai would think they slept together but he figured it was an innocent lie.

He'd probably never see her again so it didn't really matter what Kai thought.

And, if it got Kai off his ass about dating, then it was worth it.

"I knew you had it in you, man."

"I have to say, I'm almost a little teary."

He pretended to wipe fake tears off his cheeks. "The caterpillar has turned into a butterfly."

"The grasshopper has become the master, The—"

"Okay master, Don't let your head pop over there."

"I have done this before, you know,I've had lots of girlfriends."

"Yes but a one night stand is so much different than a girlfriend."

"It's when a boy becomes a man You my friend, are finally a man."

Kai was laughing but Jungkook knew there was some truth to the theory.

Maybe he really did just need a random hook up to get Lisa out of his system and move on.

It's funny how when you actually want a one night stand, there aren't any available. He considered Ari as a possibility.

She was really pretty and really nice, Maybe that was all he needed. If she was willing, he could fuck her and forget her.

Seemed simple enough.

Except for the fact that she never called him.

Just as he was starting to feel depressed about the rejection of the girl he drove home, he got a text from her.


As he was typing out a 'thanks for the invite but I can't make it' response, he remembered his recent decision to look for a fling.

Maybe it wouldn't be Ari but there would probably be lots of hot chicks at her party.

He responded with a promise to come by for a while.

When he left work at seven, he debated whether or not to tell Kai about the party.

He assumed Nicole would be there but reasoned that if she wanted to see him, she'd have invited him herself so Jungkook kept his mouth shut and went straight home to get ready.

He was oddly excited to be going back to Ari's.

He still couldn't conjure up any serious feelings for her but was really anxious to see her again.

It didn't make any sense.


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