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When he got to the park at three Jimin was already there with a group of four other guys.

He recognized them from the party and they were all really cool, They divided into three teams with Jimin and Jungkook on one team together.

They went last so Jungkook was able to study how each person stood and released the discs.

By the time it was his turn, he was able to get a pretty decent throw in and wasn't the furthest from the basket.

He was confident his story of having played a few times would not be questioned.

Jimin on the other hand was practically a professional.

He was the best player out there, by far and kept their team from having to buy dinner for everyone else that night.

They headed to a local brewery and grill that he went to often.

It was a regular hangout for the students and had the best burgers in town.

Their microbrews were also pretty good but Jungkook wasn't up for drinking so he stuck to Coke with dinner.

He got along really well with everyone and agreed to join their weekly games.

He wasn't sure that Jimin would want him on his team going forward but the other guys seemed more interested in having fun than competing so he was excited to do it again.

When they were waiting for the server to return with the credit card slip, a woman stopped by the table and started hanging on Jimin.

She was a pretty brunette with surgically enhanced tits that were shoved into a white tank top that was begging to be sprayed with a hose.

She was trashier than Jungkook would have expected from Jimin but he barely knew the guy so he really had no idea what he was into. Everybody has a type.

When the semi-drunk woman finally removed herself from Jimin's lap and wandered back to her own table, Jungkook nudged Jimin with his shoulder and asked, "Ex-girlfriend?"

Jimin almost spit out the last of his drink on the table.

"What? Uh, no."

"Well,she seems pretty into you."

"Maybe a future girlfriend?"

"Probably not since I'm gay."

Jimin stared hard at Jungkook, waiting for a reaction.

Jungkook seemed a little stunned at first and then he stared back at Jimin, as if looking for visual clues.

His hair seemed straight.

His clothes were fashionable but still masculine.

He liked video games and sports.

Jungkook couldn't pinpoint any clues that would point to Jimin being gay well, at least according to his somewhat ignorant expectations of what gay guys were like.

Jungkook didn't know many openly gay guys growing up and when he got to college, the gays were so flamboyant that they were pretty easy to recognize.

Nothing like Jimin.

Jimin was very much like him and it wasn't adding up to him.

"Seriously? Huh, I wouldn't have guessed that."

"Do you have a problem with it?"

Jimin's tone had a hard edge to it and the other guys at the table went silent, watching the conversation play out.

"No, not at all. I'm just surprised."

"You seem to be just like me so I assumed you were straight."

"But, it doesn't matter to me either way."

Jungkook tried to play it cool but he wasn't sure if smiling too broadly would seem insincere or like an invitation.

He mostly just looked down at his napkin and fidgeted with it.

Finally, one of the guys took pity on him and cleared his throat.

"Well we're all settled up so I'm gonna head out, Marcy is waiting for me to watch Survivor with her." Tae, the throat clearer, said.

Everyone stood up and said their goodbyes, While walking to their cars, Jimin was silent.

Jungkook felt like he was getting the cold shoulder but honestly didn't know what the reason was.

He wanted to find a way to smooth things over with Jimin because he genuinely liked the guy, He was fun to be around and funny to talk to and he was a damn good disc golfer.

"So next week, same time, same place?" Jungkook asked as he got to the door of his car, Jimin was parked across from him so they were facing each other.

"Yeah whatever, If you can't make it just let me know so I can get a replacement."

Jimin seemed almost sad when he said it.

Jungkook wanted to make it clear to Jimin that being gay wasn't a deal breaker as far as their friendship went.

"I'll be there, I had a great time today and if I'm gonna learn, I want to learn from the best." he said with too much enthusiasm. 

This got Jimin to look at him to try to gauge what he really meant.

"I figured you knew."

"Ari usually introduces me as her gay cousin so I never thought to bring it up, I'm sorry if you think I was hiding it from you."

"I wasn't, I don't hide who I am."

Jimin spit that last part out as if accusing Jungkook of something that he didn't understand.

"Jimin it's cool I swear, I don't care. We can be friends, gay or not. It doesn't matter to me."

Jungkook was thinking that maybe it did matter a little and it would definitely taint some of the things they did together but not enough that he didn't want to hang out with him.

"Hey I was gonna ask if you might have time this week to tutor me, I have a huge test coming up and I'm having some trouble with MacEcon class."

"You probably took it so I thought maybe you could help me study or something?"

"If you have time."

"Oh yeah Sure, How is Tuesday? I'll be home by six thirty so anytime after that is fine."

"I think Ari will be back home packing so my place will be quiet for studying." Jimin's attitude took a 180 degree detour.

He went from being pissed off and slightly rejected to looking excited.

"Cool I'll come by after work."

"Probably around seven, if that's okay. Do you want me to bring a pizza or something?"

"I'm usually starving by then."

"No, I like to cook so I'll make something."

Jungkook got home in a better mood than usual, He felt like he was getting back into a normal groove of hanging out with friends and having fun after a month of sulking about Lisa.

Jungkook contemplated Jimin's sexuality for a little bit, wondering if he was giving him the wrong idea about their friendship.

But, Jimin was the same guy prior to his admission as he was after it so Jungkook felt confident they could have a normal guy relationship.

Jungkook had female friends that he wasn't sexually attracted to but liked to hang out with.

Although after giving it a bit of thought, He realized that he would have slept with any one of those girl friends if they showed the slightest bit of interest.

Especially since he was several months into a celibacy streak that was starting to get really old, really fast.


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