Girl World-The party.(part one)

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'Sometimes we know we shouldn't, and that's exactly why we do.'

I sat staring open mouthed at my computer screen.

How the hell could I be so stupid?! In two hours the comment had got nearly 250 likes, god knows what will happen by tomorrow. News spreads quicker than butter on toast in this stupid school so guaranteed by tomorrow, Sophia's party, everyone will pretty much know about this. Fml. I am officially dead. I may aswell write my freakin' will seeing as when Sophia finds out about this my will to live will officially be pronounced missing.

Sometimes I think that there's another Lexie inside of me who just takes control of me and that's why I do these crazy stupid things. I could delete it... but whats the point now? I bet nearly everyone's seen or heard about it now so it would be pointless deleting the evidence, besides I kinda sorta want it there, I mean you never know it could change everyone's perceptions of Sophia overnight and everyone might hate her... As if.

After an hour of contemplating with my inner self I've decided the best thing to do is just to act normal. Act normal, act oblivious, act my way out of any accusations that might be thrown my way, act act act... and possibly lie if I must. Secretly I'm quite excited about what I did, I mean I know it was wrong but that totally has to be the best mistake I've made. I mean if I could take it back I wouldn't, ''Don't live in regret.''

Chapter 9- The party.(part one)

So I woke up at precisely 6.46 am on the day of the party, I'd had about four hours sleep max as I was up all night thinking about what I had done. I went to my en-suite bathroom and had the longest shower ever, obviously 'cause I had to shave my legs, armpits etc. and then I had to dye my hair again seeing as my roots were coming through and that was not good in any way, shape or form. Once my hair was looking beautifully blonde(with no roots) I had to pluck my eyebrows, banishing every stray hair, and whack on a good ol' pink passion facemask. I padded downstairs with the facemask figuring noone would be awake as my mom and Henry live for Saturday morning lay-ins.

I creeped down two flights turned left and finally reached my destination: the kitchen! What?! I was hungry, duh. I put four slices of bread in the toaster, and smothered them in peanut butter and jelly, or jam, whatever you Brits call it. I poured myself a huge glass of tropical juice and got ready to dine, as I stuffed my face I could feel the presence of someone else or something else watching me. Please don't be a ghost, please don't be a ghost I prayed silently to myself as I turned my head slowly, and then...

'Boo!' it was motherf***ing Leon. Ugh. I seriously could not stand that boy, I stared at him coldly.

'Shit. What is on your face?! You look like the walking dead or summat. You look dead weird.' he commented unnecessarily with a smirk on his fugly face.

'At least I don't act like the walking dead' I retorted 'I mean what is it with you and creeping up on people all the time, your so fucking weird, now I would kindly appreciate it if you fucked off, because I'm trying to eat my fucking breakfast without having to listen to your bullshit, OKAY?' I hissed in anger.

'Yeah Okay, eat your gourmet meal of peanut butter and jam. However I will not 'fuck off' as you so kindly put it as you haven't realised this is my home aswell, and to be quite frank it was my home a long time before it was your home therefore I have a right to remain here if I want. And I do want. To remain here.' He replied a self-satisfied smile on his ugly face. URRGH I groaned inwardly, this guy was so aggravating, I mean he was using connectives, who the f*ck uses connectives unless they're like the queen or prime minister or someone important!

'JELLY' I whisper-screamed, 'It's peanut butter and JELLY not JAM. Grrrrr' I grabbed my cup and plate and stormed upstairs into my bedroom. I cannot stand this freakin' country sometimes.

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