Girl World- The start of something new?

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So i'm sitting at our normal bench for lunch, by myself (I know right sad) waiting for Carly or Hannah or someone to hurry their ass up and come so I stop looking like a sad loner. I got out my phone (AGAIN I KNOW) and text my my mom (I KNOW!) asking about whether I was getting a lift or not since stacie had dancing when...

BAM! I look up to see the girl with the long black hair and the Jack Wills bag staring at me impatiently with a slight look of disgust on her face, 'Alexia, Sophia requires you at our lunch table immedietly...' She said in that cold cold voice, I mean I swear I could feel a shiver down my spine as she spoke, the next thing that slapped me around the face was panic. I MEAN WHY THE FUCK DOES SOPHIA BRYAN 'REQUIRE ME' OH MY GOD I BET STACE OPENED HER HUGE MOUTH AND SAID SOMETHING ABOUT SOPHIA BEING PREGNANT AND NOW IM GONNA DIE!!!!! A sharp british voice cut into my BF(bitch fit) 'Hurry the fuck up Alexia, We dont have all day!' I quickly got myself composed and grabbed my bag shoving my phone, and lunch into it, and stood up to follow the Jack Wills girl who was already starting to saunt off, halfway through the long ten meters she turned round too look at me with even more disgust on her face, 'Oh for fucks sake Alexia get that ketchup off your face, you look like a total tramp.' she said over her shoulder and saunting off leaving me panicking wiping my mouth with my blazer sleeeve in haste.

After like two mintues (that felt like two hours) we finally arrived at the 'popular table' as soon as I approached, the table fell silent following Sophia's cue and one by one I watched the whole table's heads swivel slowly to give me the once over. Fml, I thought to myself blushing under the harsh gaze of their eyes. I stood there awqwardly not knowing what to do with myself, the jack wills girl sighed loudly and walked over to a space next to Sophia to sit down, 'No Alana, not there today, Alexia will be sitting there so move it and sit next to Jo Jo.' Sophia stated quite clearly as Alana (SO THAT WAS HER NAME) began to sit down, 'What the fuck Sophia?!' Alana muttered doing as she was told anyway, sitting down next to some brunnette girl towards the middle of the table. I stood there shakily still not believing what I had heard, I mean, Why was sophia bryan sticking up for me?! 'Sit down then Alexia, Don't just stand there like an airhead' It was a pretty lame joke but it didn't stop the whole table from laughing cruelly as I took shaky steps towards the space next to Sophia, sitting down gently as if they had a planted a bomb there or something. Everyone finally got over my presence and went back to their various conversations, Sophia however took no notice of them, and just sat there observing everyone quietly. I wanted to ask why she wanted me there and why she 'required me' but she said nothing, so I also, asked no questions.

After a while of mindless day dreaming, I felt a pair of cold hands cover my eyes...

''Guess who?'' a deep sexy british accent said almost mockingly.

''Joe'' I replied barely being able to let go of the words, his name rolled around my mouth like skittles (my favourite sweets).

''Haha, Hey beautiful.'' He whispered into my lion mane before dissappearing to the other side of the table with only a wink as a parting. My eyes glanced slightly to my for about a minute, but that was quick enough to see the blank expression on Sophia's face as she watched my flirt with Joe, No one else noticed, but trust me if looks could kill, my mum would definetly be planning a funeral right now.


The bell went for fourth period, oops lesson, I need to keep up with this British lingo! I got up slowly waiting for the others to leave the bench before breathing a sigh of relief and making my way to my next lesson. I checked my timetable and SHIT my next lesson was Art, the lesson were I worked with Sophia, fml!!!

I scurried to my lesson hoping to be there before her so things wouldn't be as awqward but I stumbled into the lesson and she was already there, her long legs gracefully stretched out,texting on her BB, I just walked over looking down and sat down quietly.

-About 5 minutes later-

''Oh what so no hello today then? Ha, okay.'' her ice voice cut my thoughts like a razor, I was so stunned I didn't know what to say back...

''Hello Sophia, sorry i've been ignoring you, i've got a good reason though so don't worry babes.'' She carried on just as sarcastic, still I remained silent.

''OH FOR FUCKS SAKE SAY SOMETHING LEX'' she practically screamed,

''Um hi?'' I mumbled nervously... silence. I turned slowly to look at her as she turned at the same time and we both just suddenly started giggling, wow i'm laughing with sophia fucking bryan, this is mad hot crazy.

And then we stopped, just like that, and it became awqward again. I just started drawing designs for our collage in my book.

''So Lex, What you doing tonight?''- Usually I HATE being called Lex but when it's by the most popular girl in school? I love it.

''Urrrm Nothing?''

''Wrong answer babes, your coming to mine.''

''Oh right, okay yah that's totally fine, i'll just text my mom now and let her know so she doesn't get a car sent down for me after school cause Stacie's....''

''Lex'' she interrupted me again, ''Do me a favour and shut the fuck up. K?thanks.''

I blushed bright red and shutup she giggled cruelly and was silent until the end of the lesson.

''Meet me at the gate at 3.30 my dad will pick us up and we'll go back to mine, I hope your ready to be turned into one of me.'' with that she sauntered off owning the hallway like a runway.


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