Disarm Me with a Smile

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Paul stood in the living room, looking out the front windows of the house with a mug of coffee, once again wondering how to fill his day. He didn't have to go into work, so there wasn't that to distract him. He supposed he could get some work on his letters, but for some reason he had woken up feeling antsy and unable to sit down or focus on one thing for long.

As though he was forgetting something, but try as he might, he just couldn't remember what it was. Like there was something he was supposed to be doing. It left him unsettled and he could feel his wolf rumbling close to the surface. Despite his current calm exterior, Paul felt his control slipping. He needed to find something to do fast or else he risked phasing.

He took a drink of his coffee, his sharp eyes taking in the forested neighborhood. Though the house sat on a decent-size plot of land that jutted up against the woods, there were a few houses nearby - one unfortunately within earshot if things got too loud. It had never been a problem before, even if they had the pack over for a get-together. But in the last year, the neighbors - an elderly couple - had taken to watching him more closely and keeping Jared and Sam updated if he should go on a so-called remodeling spree.

Sighing, Paul turned and looked around the room, seeing the holes he had punched in the walls and never bothered to fix. Papers were strewn about the coffee table along with his busted laptop that was still somehow working despite being thrown against the wall in his last episode. Granted it definitely needed a new screen. Paul had decided to leave it to Seth, who was always fiddling around with computers and other electronics. He'd find a use for it, as busted as it was.

Paul's phone went off, disrupting his quiet morning. Sighing, he walked over and picked it up off the table, seeing Embry's name on the cracked screen. Frowning, Paul wondered why he was calling. He contemplated not answering, but almost as though it had a mind of its own, his finger pressed accept.

"What do you want, Embry?" he asked gruffly, angry at himself more than Embry.

"Shit, what pissed in your coffee this morning?" Embry asked lightly. Paul didn't even bother gracing him with a response. "Look, I got a favor. I know it's your day off, but one of my guys can't make it out today and I need you to help with some things at Briony's house."

Paul's eyes widened. It wasn't an incredibly unusual request - he had helped Embry out with projects several times over the past few years. But not lately. And what's more, it was at Briony's house. Paul still wasn't sure if he wanted to see her after their last interaction. And he was supposed to be staying away from her.

Even now, just the thought of seeing her had him on edge just enough that he started worrying slightly about phasing.

"I don't know..." he started.

"Seriously, I need your help," Embry said, sounding almost desperate. "We're taking down a wall today and I need three people. And I'm already behind. If I don't get this done today, I'll be even more behind."

Paul was silent, thinking it over. It had long been Embry's dream to start his own business building and renovating homes. He had been trying to do it for years, but in their neck of the woods, it wasn't as though there were a huge amount of clients. Or rather, there were already a few established companies that everyone used and Embry was struggling to break in. This project on Briony's house would be his golden ticket, so he wanted to do it right. It would definitely drum up more business if it went well.

Sighing, Paul shook his head, thinking he must have finally lost his damn mind. But at the same time, maybe doing this would help with that loose end.

"Fine. What time do you need me there?" he asked resignedly.

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