I Still Choose You

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Paul wasn't sure how long he had been running when he came to a stop, panting heavily. He knew that he should keep going. He wasn't far enough away, and the others would catch up to him quickly if he didn't keep moving.

The rain was coming down strong, which would hopefully mask his scent enough that he could get a decent head start. He started running again, his wolf overjoyed to finally be let out after so long. Paul knew he would need a new plan. And fast. If the others caught up to him, there was no way they would let him out of their sight. Or worse, Sam would order him not to go through with it. And he wouldn't be able to fight it.

Paul, stop!

He didn't reply when he heard Jared's voice in his head, still running.

We can talk about this!

Onward he pushed, ignoring the chorus in his head. He then slid to a sudden stop as Jared and Sam leaped out from the trees in front of him. Jared was whining while Sam remained stoic, staring him down.

Please, don't do this, Jared pleaded.

It's my life, Paul snarled in return, hearing the rest of the pack now surrounding him.

Great. Now he would have to fight his way out.

We know it's been hard since Rachel-

YOU DON'T KNOW ANYTHING! Paul roared, cutting Jared off. YOU DON'T KNOW SHIT!

I know that you would be hurting a lot of people if you do this, Jared returned. Me. The rest of the pack. Briony.


Paul bared his teeth at his best friend, already getting ready to launch onto him.

Just... let me go. Let me put myself out of my misery, he begged. I can't keep living like this! Without her! I just want to be with Rachel!

She wouldn't want you to do this, Jared shot back.

Paul had flashes of Rachel smiling at him. Holding his face in her hands. Telling him to have more faith in himself. He shook his head, banishing the memories.

How the hell would you know what she would want? She was my mate! My imprint! I have nothing without her, Paul growled.

We both know that's not true! Jared shouted back. Come on, just... talk to us. We can help you!

No one can help me! Paul shouted, starting to lose some of his fight as he whined. Please... just let me go...

Neither wolf in front of him moved, but Paul knew that they wouldn't. Not until he made the first move. But he also knew that neither would let him go quietly.

We can't do that, Paul, Sam said sternly. We're a pack. Family. Family always takes care of its own.

But don't you see how much pain I'm in? Paul countered. I can't... I can't do this anymore...

He whined, pleading with his eyes for them to let him go. To let him do this. To finally end the pain that started the moment he heard Rachel had died.

Paul howled as the image of her broken body lying on the slab in the morgue filled his mind. Then her funeral. Seeing the coffin covered in flowers being lowered into the ground.

A deep pain entered his chest as he felt it crumble and open into a gaping hole. There was nothing that could fix it. All Paul wanted was for the pain to stop. And this was the only way he knew to do that.

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