Author's Note

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Fair warning, this can be a tough read for some. It's not a romance. It's not a particularly happy story. A large chunk of it focuses on the two main characters and how they both cope with their grief in very different ways.

I wrote this story when I was going through a pretty dark spot myself. It was a way to deal with my own ongoing grief. I had spent months in a really, really horrible writer's block and for some reason, this was the story that got me out of it.

It won't hurt my feelings if you don't read this story. As mentioned, it's kind of a dark read and I know some people aren't into that. I just wanted to give you a fair warning before you started, just so there weren't any rough surprises.

I ended up listening to "Poison & Wine" by The Civil Wars (and a lot of their songs, actually) while writing this. I'm not sure why - it's about a failed relationship (not death) that you can't get out of your mind. But the mood of the song seemed to fit, as did the chorus - "I don't love you, but I always will" - and hence, the title of this story.

A lot of the chapter titles are either titles of their songs, songs by Joy Williams (the woman in the group) or lyrics. But the chorus from "Poison & Wine" comes into play with the story a lot.

Hope you enjoy - er, well, not sure if that's the right phrase but whatever - and let me know what you think!

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