You're still my world.

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You were on your way to pick up your boyfriend,Dylan,to go to the boys' flat and hang out.

You stopped at his house and honked.He got in the passenger seat and mumbled a "good morning babe" as you drove away.

You stopped as you reached the boys' complex.You got out and walked to their doorstep to knock.

After several knocks,you heard crashing and breaking as the door opened revealing Louis,who immediately hugged you to death.

"L-lou c-cant b-breath" You told him then he lets go of me.

"I'm sorry I just missed you so much !" He exclaimed,practically breaking your eardrums.

You went inside and made yourself at home,as the boys would always make you do whenever you visit.

"Hi Dylan!"Louis said then give him a bro hug.

"Guys ! Lovely Ms.Y/L/N and her boyfriend is here!" He shouts and then 3 boys came out.Two of them tackled you to the ground making you chuckle.

"You sure did miss me!" You said,chuckling a bit at the end.

"Uh Hi!"Niall said.

The rest of the day goes on.

Before you know it,you were saying goodbye to the boys but Niall grabbed Dylan's arm and talked to him.

"Please take care of her"Niall pleaded him.

"Why are you telling me this?"Dylan asks.

"Because you're holding is my world."Niall said,as tears brimmed his eyes.

"I'll be watching you.If you don't treat her right,I'll never hesitate to beat your arse!"He warned him,showing signs of seriousness.

"O-okay."Dylan says as he jogs back to your car.

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