self harm [t r i g g e r w a r n i n g]

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Blood was everywhere.Your bathroom looks like a murder scene.You saw the love of your life,lying on the floor.You broke down and cried,"Somebody call an ambulance!"

You trace the slash on his wrists,crying as you did so.You saw his phone on his other hand,getting your attention as you read the trend.You feel rage rush through you as you balled your fists,punching the wall and creating a hole.

Niall has been a depressed guy ever since he was with you.He got tons of hates everyday.Other days,he handles it so well.But on the most of the days,he can't help but self harm.You tried to help but it was useless.It was so useless that he considers hospital as his second home.

He has been in and out of the hospital for months,mostly because of loss of blood.Sometimes,he tries to overdose.

You can't help but pity him.Everynight he hopes that tomorrow will be a brighter day.You tried to help him,giving him all the love he needs.

But you never realized that seven words can only hurt you so much.

"I'm sorry but he didn't make it"

Niall Horan ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now