Merry Christmas...

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"Hi Ni!"You exclaim as soon as you see your boyfriend's face on screen.

"Hi baby girl!"He says as he sees you with his favorite shirt on you and messy hair which he thinks the real definition of beauty.

"How are ya?"You say,standing to get some snacks because you know these calls last for hours.

"I'm good!What about you,princess?"He says as he chuckles at your actions.He couldn't kee that stupid smile off his features.

"I'm so excited for Christmas because I get to spend it with you!"His smile drops as well as his heart.Oh no.

"O-oh yeah,about that..."He mumbles scratching the back of his neck.

"What's the matter?"You worriedly say as you focus on your boyfriend.

"Please don't be mad.I sort of can't be with you this Christmas as planned.The guys and me are supposed to have a Christmas show in England.I tried to re-schedule it but..."He says,tears welling up his eyes.

"They didn't let me spend the holiday with you."He sobbed.He was so devastated when he got the news.He tried talking to them.He tried everything but it wasn't enough.

You,on the other hand,was emotional and gobsmacked.You needed some time to process this.After you understood everything,your eyes involuntarily let the tears fall.It started from small sobs into full hysterical crying.Niall hated to see you like this.He didn't want his baby girl crying.Your thoughts were clouded as you ended the call.

As you mope all day,Niall,on the other side,was worried sick because after your call with him,you haven't been on any sites and your phone was unreachable as well.You turned it on and saw around 50 messages and missed calls.You ignored them and went to your twitter app and composed a tweet.

@Y/T/N : Guess who will be spending her Christmas sleeping and watching movies?Yep that's right,ME

You tweeted and not a minute later your notifications blow up.Some of them think it's a funny tweet but no,not this time.

@NiallOfficial :  @Y/T/N 'M sorry,princess. :--(

You roll your eyes at the tweet.You decided to see what's going on in your twitter feed.You're suprised to see that everyone already knew what you two are talking about and started this hashtag "#CancelTheChristmasJingle1D" and "#LetY/NandNiallHaveTheirChristmas".You  also saw that Niall tweeted once again.

@NiallOfficial:  All I want for Christmas is you .. http.//

You clicked on the link and saw a picture of you and Niall sleeping in each other's embrace.You smiled.You DMed him.

@Y/T/N: I saw your tweet.I'm sorry that I acted that way.I was just upset that  I don't get to spend Christmas with you.That's all.

@NiallOfficial : Thank goodness you finally replied !! I WAS SO FREAKING WORRIED ABOUT YA . Im currently in a meeting for the concert . I hope they move the concert day so I can spend Christmas with my girl.

@Y/T/N : Oh no.Dont.Its okay. :---)

@NiallOfficial : No , its not !  Youre very sad bcoz of this.Im sorry Ill try to fix this love you x

@Y/T/N : I love you too.If it cant be moved then dont insist.Its okay.You're forgiven.

Niall didn't respond so you thought that the meeting started.You cleaned the house a bit.You haven't realized until now that it was already the 23rd of December.It lowered your hopes of the concert date moved.You sat down at your couch and turned the T.V on,watching whatever's the screen.It happened to be your favorite sitcom,The Big Bang Theory.You smiled a little,hopes a little lifted.

You felt drowsiness consume you and soon enough,your eyelids dropped and darkness was all you could see.

You felt someone shake your shoulders.Your eyes opened,in fear of somekne breaking in your house.As you adjusted,you realized...You're alone in this house.Your head snapped to the direction of someone and immediately you felt your heart flutter.

It was him.

"Niall!"You exclaimed,throwing your arms around him.A few tears escaped your eyes.

"You made it! I--you....Oh my gosh."You gushed at your boyriend.He couldn't take the smile of his face.His eyes are sparkling.

"I'm here,princess."He says softly before he presses his lips on yours.Butterflies erupted from your stomach.

You spent the day catching up about things until you decided to cook dinner.You and him spent the whole time smiling,laughing,kissing and all other stuff like that.You couldn't wish for a better Christmas.


It was crappy and short and the ending was shit.Admit it.Im the worst author.I just hope you enjoy your holidays!Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

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