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The sudden ringing of your mobile is enough to startle you out of your daydream.

Glancing around, you frantically try to find your mobile in hopes to get a chance at shutting its annoying ringtone off. As you find it, you go to tap the "Hang Up" button, but cast a quick glance at the caller ID name.


Right! You'd forgotten about that. You and her planned on meeting up today, it wasn't anything nothing serious, perhaps to watch a scary movie or two while her kid was out trick-or-treating; it was Halloween after all. You pick up the phone, and before you can say hello, she's already tossing a thousand sentences your way; "Y/N! I've been trying you all night! Why won't you answer your phone?" , her voice is filled with worry - despite her practically screaming through your device, "Oh. Sorry Lil, I got caught up with something and suppose  just didn't notice." , you hear her audibly sigh; one of her many infamous ways of dismissing the subject, "No matter, just open up." , you knit your brows together.. was she here already? , "Wait, you're at the door?"

You advance towards your front door the moment you hear knocking; casting a quick glance out of the window before you do - just in case. And as you suspected, Lila's standing there with her arms crossed over and her phone tightly clutched in her right hand. She seems to notice you staring at her through the window; "Y/N, open up already! I can see you staring at me!" , she faces you and pouts, to which you turn the knob beside you on the door and allow her inside.

"Finally.. I was starting to freeze out there." , she rubs her arms for dramatic effect as she steps through your doorway and onto the mat, wiping her shoes clean of the snow from outside. You roll your eyes, though don't say anything; instead, you make your way towards the kitchen. "Hey, since we're watching a movie tonight, what did you even have in mind? You never really told me." , Lila calls out to you whilst taking off her jacket and hanging it up. You contemplate for a moment, unsure of your choice. You hadn't thought about that yet. "No idea, actually.. i was thinking we could probably get in on a horror movie since it's Halloween and all." , that seems to satisfy her, because she gives an approving nod and makes her way towards the couch; "Popcorn?" , you ask , "Yeah. Popcorn." , she agrees, and goes to snatch the TV remote that had been uselessly laying around on the couch cushion, switching on the TV. Lila fumbles a bit as you ready up the popcorn, shoving a bag of it in the microwave and letting it heat up. It finally crackles and pops, to which you press the 'stop' button and pour most of the popcorn into Lila's bowl, while also giving yourself some. You switch off the kitchen light, grab the bowls, and advance towards Lila's seat on the couch, neatly perching yourself beside her and handing her one of the popcorn bowls. She also seems to still be having trouble with the remote, "You need help with that?" , you motion towards the remote, and can see her scrunch her face slightly, almost as though she was embarrassed, "Sure, I guess." , she hands you the remote and you press the according buttons to switch to your saved movies. Clicking on the horror category, it displays a vast variety of your favorites, and some you've never watched before, "Anything catch your eye?" , you face her, patiently awaiting her answer - almost laughing at the fact that she was a holding a finger to her chin, but it takes her a little too long, so you offer some classics, "We have.. uh, Halloween, Scream and some other ones. We could also watch ________ " , at that last one, her eyes seem to brighten up like wildfire; she frantically nods her head and gives a grin, motioning for you to click it, so you do. The movie almost immediately starts, and you slightly raise the volume, standing up to turn off all the remaining lights.



"I'll be right back, I've gotta use the bathroom." , you barely cast her a glance as you finally take your leave and head up the stairs, down your hall and into one of the only bedrooms on the second floor; yours. As the door creaks open, you can already tell somethings off. Your room is entirely dark.. and even though you recall leaving the light on, you aren't quite sure. You glance towards your window; the curtains wildly blowing in different directions from the wind that was being let in. Why was your window open? A cold chill runs down your spine; but despite this, you continue your way towards the bathroom. Perhaps you had actually just left it open..

Not much later, you make your way out of your room and return to Lila downstairs, only to have her give you a furrowed-brow scowl, "You just missed like half the movie! What were you doing up there?" , she crosses her arms over, and you stare wide-eyed, " What are you talking about? I was only gone for like a few minutes!" , she shakes her head, though seems to rival your confusion, "A few minutes? That was an entire hour! The movie's over!" , you sigh, slightly disappointed. So much for a movie night, "Well, I've got to go now. Maybe we can just resume this sometime else." , she gets up from the couch and makes her way towards the coat hanger, "Goodnight Y/N." , and with that, she's already out through the doorway and the last thing you hear are crunching footsteps outside, until they eventually fade into silence; leaving you bewildered on the spot. What just happened?

(997 words)

Night of Terror - Bob Velseb x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now